Anticoagulant treatment, hospital visit Acute injury, chronic headache Allergic symptoms, exclusively breast fed Carbonated drinks, kyphosis, lumbosacral pain, intercostal neuralgia Regulating qi and relieving depression

Sitting still and bedridden for a long time, this deadly disease comes quietly

A 20-year-old man lay in bed with sprained feet and played games in bed for three days. Unexpectedly, it caused pulmonary embolism and needed first aid. After traveling for more than ten hours by plane, some people are too lazy to drink water and exercise. As a result, their lower limbs are red, swollen and painful, and they have venous thrombosis. At present, venous thrombotic diseases caused by thrombus are more and more common because of our lifestyle changes. Professor Liu Chunli, Respiratory Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, reminded the public that venous thrombosis is very dangerous. Once it happens, serious cases can be killed within 1-2 hours.

61% of venous thrombosis is asymptomatic and easy to be missed

Venous thromboembolism is the third most common cardiovascular disease after heart disease and stroke. Professor Liu Chunli said that the reason why venous thromboembolism is called "invisible killer" is that most venous thromboembolism has no symptoms. About 61% of venous thrombosis is asymptomatic in clinic, and is easy to be missed; 80% of patients with pulmonary embolism had no clinical symptoms at the time of onset, and two-thirds of patients with pulmonary embolism died within two hours of onset.

This year, the COVID-19 epidemic is rampant, and people's outdoor activities are reduced. Compared with the past, more patients come to the hospital for treatment due to venous thrombosis. Professor Liu Chunli said: "Now the living habits have changed. They are sedentary and have few activities. Especially during the epidemic this year, outdoor activities have decreased significantly. Many young people play mobile phones and games at home for hours. Less activity will lead to venous thrombosis, and more patients will come to the hospital."

According to a large number of epidemiological cases and clinical data abroad, the incidence of venous thrombosis in patients with new coronary artery disease is high, especially in critically ill patients. The highest reported incidence of venous thrombosis in non ICU patients is 45%, while the highest reported incidence of venous thrombosis in ICU patients with new coronary artery disease is 85%. Some patients died of pulmonary embolism.

Sitting and playing games for a long time and lying in bed for a long time can also cause pulmonary embolism

Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism can occur in anyone of any age, which is not the patent of the elderly, and it is not uncommon for young patients in their 20s. Professor Liu Chunli introduced that a 23-year-old young man had been in bed for three days due to ankle sprain. During these three days, due to immobility in bed, venous thrombosis formed in his lower limbs, which ran to the lungs, leading to pulmonary embolism and severe breathing difficulties, so he had to go to the hospital for emergency treatment.

According to the reporter, high blood coagulation, blood stasis and vascular endothelial damage are the three major factors of thrombosis. However, mothers who have been hospitalized for a long time, had surgery or fracture trauma, sat still for a long time, received chemotherapy for cancer, suffered from hypertension, diabetes, stroke and confinement are all high-risk groups prone to thrombosis.

In addition, people with a family history of thrombophilia also need to pay more attention. Liu Chunli once received a 30-year-old patient who came to the hospital for treatment due to pulmonary embolism caused by a cold. Her brother suffered from venous thrombosis a year ago, but it did not attract the attention of his family. She did not inform the doctor in time, missed the early diagnosis, and finally went to ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) without recovery. Professor Liu Chunli reminded that people with a family history of thrombophilia should be screened and prevented as soon as possible. The First Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College also provided gene screening for thrombophilia. A middle-aged man said when drawing blood in the hospital that although his family did not suffer from thrombosis, his legs were often numb, so he also wanted to check.

Data shows that 60% of venous thromboembolism occurs during hospitalization or within 30 days after discharge. Professor Liu Chunli explained that this is because in surgery and trauma patients will have blood hypercoagulability, blood stasis, and vascular endothelial damage, which are high risk factors for venous thrombosis.

"If there is pain, swelling, and redness in one side of the lower leg or thigh, this is a common symptom of deep vein thrombosis." Professor Liu Chunli reminded, "At this time, we should pay high attention to it and actively go to a regular hospital for treatment. Here we should emphasize that it is not suitable to massage when the leg is swollen, because massage is likely to make the thrombus fall off, making it more dangerous to move to the lungs and heart."

Reduce thrombosis, you need to move

At present, clinical guidelines at home and abroad point out that anticoagulation is the cornerstone of the prevention and treatment of potentially fatal thrombotic diseases. "All people with deep vein thrombosis should take anticoagulant treatment for at least 3-6 months, and specific people need prolonged or lifelong anticoagulant treatment." Professor Liu Chunli said.

Although thrombus is silent and threatening, the prevention is not enough to fear. Professor Liu Chunli stressed that the most important thing for ordinary people is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and let themselves move.

Data shows that every hour of sitting, the risk of deep vein thrombosis will increase by 10%, and sitting for more than 90 minutes will reduce the blood circulation of the knee joint by 50%. Proper exercise can promote blood circulation and effectively prevent deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, get out of bed as soon as possible after surgery and during confinement. Professor Liu Chunli reminded that in daily life, we should drink more water. For example, when we take a long flight, we can get up and walk for 1-2 hours, which can greatly reduce the formation of venous thrombosis.

(Yangcheng Evening News reporter Zhang Hua intern Yang Chuying)

key word: Liu Chunli pulmonary embolism Anticoagulant therapy ICU patients Hospital visit

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