Spring is coming, strange and strange, angel with folded wings Cardiovascular Diseases, Researchers Cultivate your temper, sweet and bitter, belong to yourself The masticatory function can not be satisfied, and gradually becomes Light intensity, researcher, Australia Accidental injury, time concept, food allergy Adverse reaction, Ezetimibe, used alone Herpes zoster, herpesvirus, references Epithelial cells, omeprazole, Helicobacter pylori

Global WeChat! Those strange allergies: water allergy, air allergy, money allergy

The four seasons of many people are: spring comes and goes; When summer comes, I will walk on the waves; Autumn is coming, climb the mountain; Winter is coming, go skiing.

For a group of "special" little wretches, the four seasons are like this:

Spring is coming, sneeze, sneeze one after another;

(Related data drawing)

Summer has come, itchy, red, swollen and itchy skin;

Autumn is coming, cough cough cough, dry and itchy throat, as if at any time to cough out the lungs;

Winter is coming, and my face is red and swollen after being blown by the wind.

Alas, life is too difficult! Allergen people must have been angels with broken wings in their last life!

According to statistics, there is one such angel in every five people who are suffering from allergy.

These allergens may be changeable solar terms, dust mites floating in the air, food accidentally eaten, or a cat hair on the sofa

If there are unavoidable allergens, do people with allergies really have to wait for death?

Of course not. There are some small ways to prevent allergy,

The method is below ↓↓↓ In the video~

key word: Spring is coming astonishing Winged Angel

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