Tai'an Health Network
Health science popularization
[Health Science Popularization] Keep away from gout and prevent "pain and madness"

Hyperuricemia and gout are a group of metabolic diseases that cause tissue damage due to long-term purine metabolic disorders and increased blood uric acid. High purine diet will increase the intestinal absorption of purine, increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood, and induce the acute attack of gouty arthritis. In daily life, sticking to the following points can effectively avoid hyperuricemia and gout:

one . Control weight and stay away from obesity

Overweight or obesity will increase the risk of gout in hyperuricemic people, and weight loss can significantly reduce blood uric acid levels. Overweight and obese people with hyperuricemia and gout should, on the basis of meeting the daily essential nutritional needs, improve their diet and increase regular exercise to achieve energy intake less than energy consumption; At the same time, avoid excessive dieting and too fast weight loss. It is better to reduce 0.5~1.0kg per week, and finally control the weight within the healthy range.

  2. Eat less cold food and broth       

For people with hyperuricemia and gout, frequent consumption of raw and cold food, such as ice cream, raw and cold seafood, is likely to damage the spleen and stomach function, and can also lead to increased precipitation of urate crystals, which may induce gout attacks. Therefore, gout patients should eat less raw and cold food. It is a consensus among many Chinese people to drink some soup. However, in the soup made of meat, seafood, etc., purine is often very high, which will lead to the increase of uric acid. If you must drink, drink some light vegetable soup to satisfy your cravings.

3. Drink enough water, preferably white water

Regular and regular drinking water can promote uric acid excretion. People with hyperuricemia and gout should drink enough water when their heart and kidney functions are normal. It is recommended to drink 2000~3000 mL of water every day. Try to maintain the daily urine volume more than 2000mL. White water is preferred, and lemonade, light tea, sugar free coffee and soda water can also be drunk, but excessive drinking of strong tea, strong coffee, etc., and raw and cold drinks should be avoided.

4. Balanced nutrition and purine restriction

Food varieties can be diversified, and nutrition should be rich and balanced. There is more purine in animal food, so patients should eat less seafood, fermented food, beans, etc. 50% of purine in food can be dissolved in soup, so meat and fish should be cooked first, and the soup should be discarded before cooking. It is recommended to eat egg protein, milk, etc. Although the purine content in beans is slightly higher than that in lean meat and fish, the utilization rate of purine in plants is low in humans. After processing, the purine content of bean products such as tofu and dried soybeans has decreased, which can be eaten in moderation.

Only "keep your mouth shut and keep your legs open", control your diet intake, strengthen exercise and maintain your ideal weight can you keep away from gout.

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