Tai'an Health Network
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Zhang Aihua

Zhang Aihua, Female, undergraduate, professor of dermatology and venereology, chief physician. Member of the 5th Shandong Dermatology Society of the Chinese Medical Association, member of Shandong Laser Professional Committee, and vice chairman of Tai'an Dermatology Society.

He graduated from the Department of Clinical Medicine of Shandong Medical College in July 1979. From 1988 to 1998, he studied dermatology, dermatosurgery, and dermatopathology in Wuhan Tongji Medical University Union Hospital, Nanjing Medical University Hospital, and Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He has participated in many national and provincial conferences on dermatology. He used to be the director of the dermatology and venereology teaching and research department of Taishan Medical College and the director of the dermatology and venereology department of the affiliated hospital of Taishan Medical College. With solid theoretical basis and rich clinical experience, he is good at diagnosis of skin surgery and skin pathology; He has profound attainments in the diagnosis and treatment of skin venereal diseases, allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases. He has participated in editing 4 medical college textbooks and published more than 40 academic papers.

Expert outpatient service time: Wednesday and Friday

Tel: 6236707 (outpatient service)

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