Fan Qijin, a healthy apple paint, welcomes changes with 100 times confidence

2017-10-10 15:21:33   Source: China Franchise Network   3808 people participated
  • Business scope: art water paint, interior and exterior latex paint, children's paint, real stone
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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In 2016, the paint industry experienced severe market baptism due to its complexity and changefulness. The slowdown of market growth, the tightening of environmental protection red line and the disorderly soaring of raw materials have put heavy pressure on coating enterprises, which have used their trumpets and constantly adjusted their strategies to adapt to the rapidly changing market. Now, more than half of 2017 has passed, and the effect of enterprise adjustment has initially appeared. Recently, Mr. Fan Qijin, Marketing Director of Jiangmen Apple Chemical Co., Ltd., was interviewed by the reporter about the measures taken by healthy apple paint to deal with market changes.

▲ Mr. Fan Qijin, Marketing Director of Jiangmen Apple Chemical Co., Ltd

  Look at the market with an optimistic attitude, and build a brand with the concept of environmental protection

"In the current industry environment, our attitude of Apple Chemical is still optimistic, because throughout the development process of the paint industry in the past decade, there have always been ups and downs, showing a wavy development trajectory. Maybe this environment will instead accelerate the establishment of the entire industry and further promote industrial upgrading." Mr. Fan, who is honest and amiable, is obviously very satisfied with the performance of Healthy Apple in the first half of the year. He believes that there is no market that can not do well, only enterprises that can not do well in the market.

It is a reflection of the enterprise's strategic thinking to take a broad view of the industry's development laws and not judge the success or failure by the immediate success or failure. In the face of the changing market, Health Apple Paint did not blindly take drastic innovation. The response strategy is "more adhere to the company's health concept, pay more attention to the creation requirements of product research and development, and pay more attention to the service ability of dealer partners, because healthy and good products and considerate service level are the core power to improve/increase the healthy and sustainable health of dealers."

It is understood that in the first half of 2017, under the general environment of decline in the decoration paint industry, Healthy Apple Paint still bucked the trend and achieved sales growth ". This is due to the continuous channel construction of Healthy Apple Paint over the years, as well as the establishment of a multifaceted and systematic approach.

The establishment of Healthy Apple Paint is first reflected in the research and development of environmental protection products. This year, Health Apple Paint increased its research and development efforts, expanded its water-based paint product line, launched more new products in children's paint production, and increased the number of new products of cultural and artistic water paint.

"The environmental protection policy is becoming more and more strict, which is a necessary stage for the development of the industry. We are happy to see the whole industry enter a new environmental protection stage as soon as possible, which is consistent with the healthy and established development philosophy of our company. The new environmental protection policy has a positive impact on Apple Chemical, because we are always at the forefront of environmental protection development." Mr. Fan said.

With the implementation of the new environmental protection policy, many enterprises that do not meet the standards and are not strong will gradually be eliminated from the market, and the proportion of good products in the market will greatly increase, which is a great benefit to consumers. The healthy apple paint, famous for "children's paint" and committed to becoming an advanced brand of healthy children's paint, has always maintained high standards and requirements for environmental protection and creation in product development and production.

According to the fame test, the VOC emissions of the healthy apple paint series products are much lower than the current standard. By making full use of aldehyde removal technology and anion technology, Apple Chemical can not only purify formaldehyde and toluene, but also smell fresh and natural, which is more environmentally friendly and safe. At the same time, other physical and chemical properties have been further optimized and improved, with the characteristics of anti fouling and easy cleaning, waterproof and breathable, anti pulverization, easy construction, alkali and mildew resistance. The paint surface has a good self-cleaning function, more lasting and beautiful. The surface of the paint film treated by special processes is tough and scratch resistant, more suitable for children's random graffiti.

In addition to excellence in production, Healthy Apple Paint also actively seeks to change its online marketing approach. As a practitioner of the "Search Engine Millions Network Marketing Plan" in the paint industry, Healthy Apple Paint launched its network promotion business 12 years ago. It is well known that the Internet world has subverted the traditional industry cognition, and Internet marketing is of great significance to paint enterprises. At present, Healthy Apple Paint continues to deepen its Internet promotion business, and the promotion mode has changed from the original paid click search engine promotion mode to the new stage of brand promotion of integrated brand building. As a leader in the children's paint market segment, the establishment of the image of "Healthy Children's Paint Advanced Brand" has played a promoting role in the terminal retail of dealers.

   Cultivate channel construction with win-win enterprise gene

Confidence is more important than environment, and confidence is more important than cashier! In the interview, President Fan emphasized the support of the win-win mechanism of healthy apple paint for dealers many times. In the opinion of President Fan, in an extraordinary period of depressed market environment, enterprise channel strategy should actively change from push strategy to pull strategy. Instead of pushing the products to the distribution channels, we should start with the demand of the end consumers, help the dealers and distributors to sell the products and build confidence for the dealers. For this reason, according to the regional consumption characteristics, Healthy Apple Paint has carried out targeted and intensive advertising, preferential promotions and other activities to arouse consumers' desire to buy, stimulate purchase motivation, successfully release the pressure of dealers and distributors, and achieve the purpose of promoting sales.

In recent years, the promotion of offline activities of Healthy Apple Paint has become stronger and stronger year by year, and offline promotion and promotion activities have penetrated into the third and fourth tier cities, even the township markets. According to the practical experience of the sales team of Health Apple Paint, the market development in the third and fourth tier cities must be jointly developed with the township market. Because the market capacity of the third and fourth tier markets is not large, but the competition is not small, it is necessary to make full use of a large number of township markets. In recent two years, Apple Chemical has been supporting dealers in third and fourth tier cities to develop township markets, which is of obvious use.

Through the practice and exploration of the Marketing Department and the Sales Department team, Healthy Apple Paint has gradually improved the conference marketing model, forming a unique win-win cooperation mechanism for Healthy Apple Paint. Twelve supportive policies, including advertising, store decoration, after-sales service, member management, spraying equipment, personnel training, and salary subsidies, were implemented for dealers, which not only improved the ability of each channel, but also consolidated the construction of the local member network and channel network of Health Apple Paint, and deepened the company's market strategy of "intensive distribution, charging counties and towns", Accelerate to comprehensively occupy the third and fourth tier cities and achieve the goal of thousands of cities and thousands of stores. In addition, while building stores in the city, Apple Chemical also assisted with intensive cultivation. Guided by the single store profit model of "good stores, good brands visit oil workers, and villages and towns focus on", Apple Chemical ensured that one dealer joined one, and achieved a win-win situation for manufacturers. The success of the distribution channels in various regions shows that the success can be replicated under the strong marketing support and after-sales service system of Health Apple Paint.

According to General Manager Fan, "In the channel investment promotion work of Apple Chemical, we always adhere to the guiding ideology of" cooperation, support and success ", that is," helping the horse "and" sending a way ". We will build our dealers into professional service providers in the local market to adapt to the new industry environment and help them realize their entrepreneurial dreams. So far, Apple Chemical has established more than 3000 terminal sales outlets nationwide, and some dealers have cooperated with us for more than 10 years. The overall operation is qualified. ".

   Adhere to the core positioning of children's paint, and expand the product category timely

The success of Healthy Apple Paint is not only derived from the enterprise gene of honest operation and win-win with dealers and consumers, but also from the brand concept of always adhering to health and environmental protection, and the product value of adhering to creation and quality priority. Since its establishment 17 years ago, the healthy apple paint, which is positioned as a "professional brand of children's paint", has implemented almost harsh corporate standards for product research and development and production. However, as a sub field of home decoration paint, the "children's paint" market has been developing for more than 10 years. Due to the lack of separate standards, it has never been "justified". Especially with the entry of some illegal businesses, market chaos has followed.

On July 1 this year, the advanced children's paint standard Water based Wood Coatings for Children's Room Decoration was officially implemented, and the standard Interior Wall Coatings for Children's Room Decoration was also in the process of formulation. The release of the standard not only finally justifies the name of "children's paint", but also makes children's paint become an environmentally friendly home decoration paint, and the professional children's paint brand represented by healthy apple paint has finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The new standard has a very positive impact on Healthy Apple. Because Healthy Apple mainly promotes children's paint products, the product quality and comprehensive performance have been developed and produced according to high standards for a long time, and now there are standards to regulate, making the children's paint market more standardized. Our long-term corporate standards are better than the newly issued standards, reflecting the competitive advantage of the Healthy Apple Children's Paint series. " Mr. Fan believed that the introduction of the children's paint standard not only standardized the market, but also helped establish a brand separation between healthy apple paint and other children's paint products.

For the implementation of children's paint standards, Health Apple has also implemented some targeted publicity plans. On the one hand, in order to expand the market execution of the new standards, let more consumers pay attention to and understand children's paint products, and pay attention to and understand the importance of the regulatory authorities on children's paint products; On the other hand, it will also expand the publicity of Healthy Apple Children's Paint products to let more consumers know the core advantages of Healthy Apple as an advanced brand of Healthy Apple Children's Paint: for example, the children's paint brand that has won "a certain reputation trademark" earlier, the application of a newer generation of pure flavor technology, the new STP technology, and the newer "AP+new polymer synthesis process" technology.

Children's paint market is the core technology derivative market in the paint market. Because children's paint has almost reached a harsh degree of environmental requirements, children's paint market is driving the direction of technology creation in the paint market. On the road of more environmentally friendly and healthy product development, children's paint has always been the pioneer in the paint industry. In the future, the development of children's paint will gain greater market space. Not only will the proportion of application in children's room decoration be higher, but even other interior decoration spaces will further improve the application of children's paint. The children's paint market has great prospects.

Health Apple Paint has set up a professional children's paint research and development project team since 2000. In 2002, Advanced Children's Wood Paint was listed, and in 2003, Advanced Children's Wall Paint was listed. At present, it has blossomed and borne fruit, has gained both market and brand harvest, and has accumulated a large number of partners and consumers loyal to health Apple Paint. In the future, Healthy Apple Paint will continue to take children's paint as the core, continue to establish in children's paint industry, further consolidate the market appeal of Healthy Apple as an advanced brand of children's paint, and hope that the core advantages of children's paint will expand the growth points of dealers in architectural paint, wood paint, cultural art water paint, waterproof auxiliary materials and other products.

According to General Manager Fan, cultural and artistic water paint will be the key product line for the next step of healthy apple market promotion. Health Apple Paint started its research, development and production of cultural and artistic water paint ten years ago. At that time, its original intention was also based on the industry foresight of personality and fashion consumption. Although there was no consumption hot spot at that time, the promotion was relatively small, but also accumulated rich experience. Now, the market has verified the foresight of the healthy apple paint. At this time, we will strengthen the promotion of cultural and artistic water paint, and follow the trend. I believe that it will be as promising as children's paint.


The golden age of the real estate industry has passed, but the new silver age is still the age of precious metals. The same is true for the paint industry. Although the pressure from all aspects has increased sharply, the cash collection rate is still envied by many manufacturing industries. Moreover, most enterprises are still in the extensive development mode, and there is still much room for growth.

Of course, silver is not as good as gold after all. The paint industry is still profitable, but only a few enterprises can "profit" from it. In the paint industry entering a period of accelerated reshuffle, only enterprises that keep creating, sharing and win-win can follow the trend and respond to the ever-changing market smartly.

For the undulating paint industry, crisis always exists. If you can't survive, it is a crisis. If you can survive, it is a turnaround (this article comes from the paint industry).

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