Liu Yi: Exploring the possibility of reclusive life with modern aesthetics

2019-11-11 15:09:38   Source: China Franchise Network   986 people participated
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Liu Yi

Creative Executive Director of Guangzhou Zengcheng Samsung Decoration Co., Ltd

Registered Interior Designer

National Top Ten Samsung Design Director

Good at space

Home, villas, luxury houses, offices

Design concept

Inspired by nature, the design is different from person to person, and there is infinite space for creativity.

Study tour speech

From Osaka, Kyoto to Tokyo, from modern architecture to ancient architecture, from sharing and learning of design studios to personal experience, What I saw, thought, felt and understood, Japan has made me understand the cultural differences of different countries, and let me start to re-examine the significance of design, which will be of great help to the future work.

Since the launch of Casaro's World Wide Design Tour, he has met a variety of designers, and each designer has something to learn from. Today, let's go to Mr. Liu Yi to understand his unique design philosophy.


Interview content

Q: What did you get from this trip?

Liu Yi: I learned and experienced Japanese life, art, architectural style, food culture, etc., explored and realized, expanded my vision, pattern and design vision, and let me re recognize design. In the future, we will integrate culture into the customer's lifestyle and design sustainable environmental protection inheritance.

Q: In terms of design work, did this trip bring you some new ideas?

Liu Yi: We admire the inheritance and creation of traditional culture by Japanese designers. Design is not a random piling up, but a combination of creation and new. Traditional culture and art are interlinked, and they are also world cultural heritage. We need to further study and refine into our own design thinking. Therefore, how to combine culture and design more closely will be the new direction of my future creation.

Q: Do you have some favorite design elements in your design? Can you talk about them with specific products?

Liu Yi: Personally, I prefer the home and cultural elements of the sunny dining room and living room. For example, how to integrate the lighting, materials, and garden scenery of the dining room and living room with the outdoor environment, let the sun shine into the room, and create a natural, relaxed, and warm living space. How to convey life aesthetics to customers is also what I have been insisting on.

The Nature of Design

The concept of living close to nature in traditional culture has long taken root among all people, but modern noisy and busy life has lost the purity of nature, and returning to nature completely will be too simple and crude. How to find a balance between fashion city and natural comfort? As a young interior designer, Liu Yi can lead us to find the answer.

He loves nature and can draw inspiration from it and present it in modern home space. He is good at taking emotion as the starting point, presenting the characteristics of the owner and the concept of living, and further transmitting the beauty of life.

Humanistic feelings in a minimalist life

No ambition can be realized without indifference, and no future can be achieved without peace. Comfortable and comfortable. In order to create a comfortable natural atmosphere, this design case uses a large number of stone and solid wood elements to pursue a leisure life with the essence of oriental culture with modern minimalist design language. Abandoning the complicated and heavy design performance, the harmonious color matching of gray, white, warm and yellow, and the collection of geometric lines and shapes, the point is the end.


The small hall was deserted on the afternoon of the autumn window. The tacit integration of warm colors and metal elements, the square and symmetrical layout, supplemented by the embellishment of green plants, meet the owner's pursuit of high-end, as well as the joy of traditional culture.


The living room not only outlines the fashion temperament, but also transforms the energetic natural elements into the beauty of overlapping shapes. Ink landscape painting and flowing marble patterns create a relaxed natural landscape, which is tall and small, spacious and comfortable, and soft like a breeze.

a living room

The bedroom is the longing for warmth and comfort in a tired day's work. The overall color inherits the elegant and luxurious taupe system. The material conversion from the fashionable stone floor to the warm wooden floor also adds some warmth to the space.


Between the square and the circle, it is natural and orderly. The unique blend of modern flavor and symmetrical oriental aesthetics reveals a profound texture. The grand view of the floating window design, whether working or studying, can completely relax the body and mind, providing a quiet place for thinking.


Deep observation of nature, absorption of the essence of nature, to achieve the integration of people, home, space and nature, so that the home to remove the complexity, under the treatment of natural elements, more sensitive to the beauty of everything, this is the designer Liu Yi wants to bring us a surprise in life!

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