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Prices of Furan Resin Series Manufacturers in Xingshan County, Yuan'an County, Zhijiang City, Dangyang City

Updated on: 2024-09-20 08:36:03 Information No.: 211561360
 Prices of Furan Resin Series Manufacturers in Xingshan County, Yuan'an County, Zhijiang City, Dangyang City
one ≥ 1 ton
  • 1.00 yuan

  • 25kg

  • furan resin

  • Dangyang Furan Resin Mortar Factory, Zhijiang Furan Resin Mastic Factory, Yuan'an Furan Resin Mastic Factory, Dangyang Furan Resin

fifteen billion nine hundred and eighty-one million nine hundred and ninety-seven thousand and fifty-six

one billion one hundred and sixty-nine million three hundred and eighty-five thousand three hundred and thirty-three



product name
Furan resin series, furan resin mortar, furan resin concrete
Region oriented
whole country
furan resin
Place of Origin
texture of material

Prices of Furan Resin Series Manufacturers in Xingshan County, Yuan'an County, Zhijiang City, Dangyang City

Dangyang Zhijiang Yuan'an Xingshan Furan Resin Series Furan Resin Series
YJ furan resin series products are divided into furan resin mortar, furan resin mortar, furan resin concrete, furan resin glass fiber reinforced plastic materials, etc. It has the excellent properties of low viscosity, acid resistance, alkali resistance, solvent resistance and acid alkali alternative corrosion resistance.
1、 Scope of application
Mastic: used for lining and pointing of various acid resistant bricks, slabs and natural stones in anti-corrosion engineering.
Mortar: it is used for the masonry of anti-corrosion overall surface course and block materials such as granite on the ground, skirting board, dado, tank, pit, equipment foundation, etc. in the anti-corrosion project.
FRP: equipment used for tank, trench, isolation layer of equipment foundation and overall FRP products in anti-corrosion engineering.
Concrete: used for pouring the whole tank, trench and pit of anti-corrosion engineering.
2、 Performance index
Project mortar concrete FRP
Density, kg/m³ ≥2000 ≥2200 ≥2450 ≥1700
Compressive strength, MPa ≥70 ≥60 ≥60
Tensile strength, MPa ≥8 ≥5 ≥80
Bonding strength with acid resistant brick, MPa ≥ 2.5
Operation time, min 45
Note: Execution code of furan resin series: GB50121-2014 Code for Construction of Anticorrosion Engineering of Buildings, GB50046-2008 Code for Anticorrosion Design of Industrial Buildings.
3、 Safety protection
Before construction, safety education shall be carried out for the personnel and management personnel participating in the construction.
During coating storage, mixing and construction, attention shall be paid to ventilation. Smoking and open fire are strictly prohibited. Fire extinguishers shall be provided. Electrical equipment, lighting fixtures and switches on the construction site shall be explosion-proof.
The construction personnel shall wear protective equipment. When the skin contacts with the paint, it shall be wiped with diluent in time, and then washed with clean water. The diluent can be used to clean containers or tools, but the amount should not be too much, and it must be carried out in a ventilated place.
4、 Packaging and storage
The furan resin series glue liquid is packed in galvanized barrels, 200kg/barrel, and the powder is packed in composite kraft paper bags, 40kg/bag.
Storage period: the effective storage period is 6 months from the date of production.
It shall be stored in a cool, dry and ventilated warehouse. It shall not be exposed to the sun or exposed to rain. It shall be protected against freezing in winter. Manufacturer's price</a>
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