The 10th Dialogue of Heart to Heart | Duan Yuan: On Love and Goodness in Space Design

icon 2021-04-30 17:53:55
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Summary: The home should be full of tranquility and harmony, but also should be in harmony with nature, without excessive decoration, and less impetuous. Surround your heart with love, and let your soul roam freely in the space of truth, goodness and beauty!

Every designer has a city in his heart, which stores the beauty and inspiration collected from the world. One day, the city gate will open to show you how to practice beautiful design. "Heart to Heart Design" is an in-depth interview column for Chinese interior designer media, presenting the true heart of Chinese interior designers: behind the design is their profound understanding of life.

Duan Yuan, founder of Yuanxi International Creative Design Institute. He has worked for 20 years, focusing on the design of villa and private residence space, meditation space, commercial project design and real estate project planning and design. Proficient in various design styles. With extremely sharp and exquisite design inspiration, the space is given new life.

The home should be full of tranquility and harmony, but also should be in harmony with nature, without excessive decoration, and less impetuous. Surround your heart with love, and let your soul roam freely in the space of truth, goodness and beauty!

——Duan Yuan

Sina Home Dialogue Duan Yuan

Design externalizes life

Every designer has a different understanding of design, but when it comes to the origin of design, it must be inseparable from life.

Duan Yuan, who has been engaged in design for 20 years, said frankly that when he first learned design, he did not have a conceptual understanding of "design", but was good at discovering beauty in life. He liked painting oil paintings and traditional Chinese paintings. However, a clear understanding of design experienced a transition:

From 1997 to 2001, Duan Yuan studied related majors when he was in college, and four years of study laid a solid theoretical foundation for his future career in design; After graduating from college, he began to work formally in design. Since then, he has experienced the transition from understanding the beauty of life to understanding the beauty of design: from 2001 to 2005, he understood "design"; From 2005 to 2012, understand "home" and clarify the original intention of designers for customers; From 2012 to 2015, we started to express the spirit of space design. Since then, in Duan Yuan's design, she has emphasized that 60% of the use functions should be taken as the basis, and then the concept of "truth, goodness and beauty" of space design should be conveyed to customers.

The beauty of the designer's career lies in that it can not only discover the beauty of life, but also put it on paper, and even externalize it and extend it infinitely. Duan Yuan's design is to internalize the design theory first, and then externalize the understanding of life.

"Design style without template"

More designers initially chose this industry to survive, as did Duan Yuan. However, after starting, she began to focus on design with her own love and professional training. In the process of growth, she was also watching the changes of industry and consumer groups.

"At first people will have imagination about style, such as Chinese style Style modern Style European style Style and so on. However, in the design process, when the designer gets the design (demand), he almost does not specify the style first, but starts to design according to the customer's demand. " Duan Yuan said that when designing a home for customers, we should consider the functionality of the home and not be too obsessed with style layout.

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"The designer meets the functional needs of the customer for the living room, and the style depends on the customer itself." The process of style determination is the process of interaction between the designer and the customer. As Duan Yuan said, "The design is not done by one person, and can not be active or passive, but interact with the customer". On the basis of the customer's preference, the designer should enhance the aesthetic function of the house, which is the "interaction" work. Each "interaction" will produce new sparks, so Duan Yuan will never fix the design style in the design.

Today, the post-80s and post-90s generation are becoming the main consumer group. This group is characterized by more individuation and diversification. It appeals to individuality for design style and spatial pattern, and pursues science and technology. Duan Yuan concluded that the current major consumer groups are more seeking for separation, which is also in line with her concept of "less is more". He also said that in the future interior design, science and technology will be a great trend, and then a new style will be formed.

Breaking Gender Boundary to Look at Design

Returning to the industry, female designers account for less in the design industry.

People often stereotype that male designers are more suitable for skeletal frame design, and female designers are more suitable for indoor soft and beautiful curve design. In Duan Yuan's view, there is almost no difference between female designers and male designers, but there will be some differences in the design of soft clothes and color types. Male designers may prefer cool and cool aesthetic design; Because female designers are naturally more sensitive to color, they are more flexible in the use of color. But in architectural design, there is no difference between female designers and male designers.

Duan Yuan recalled that in 2005, many people would say, "I don't want female designers." They felt that female designers could not run to the construction site, wearing high-heeled shoes, skirts, and soft shapes. They were not suitable for building designs full of steel and cement. "At that time, there was such a difference, but now the Internet era is so developed that we can see that many excellent architectural works are designed by female designers."

"Please don't choose me to do design because of my gender. It's best because of my design attainments." Duan Yuan said that when looking at designers, we should first break the gender boundary.

Be a "point line surface" crossover

The designers should break the gender boundary when they are viewed by the outside world. Similarly, designers should break the rules and cultivate cross-border thinking when doing design works. Duan Yuan believes that the design aesthetics is a vertical crossover that follows the logical thinking, which is based on the linear approach and the idea of point, line and plane.

Taking villa design as an example, designers should keep the same frequency with customers. When designing, they should first consider separating the flow lines of couples, the elderly, children, nannies and other people to find differences and identity. When designing, we should first integrate the identity, and then deal with the differences in a targeted way. The most important thing is to meet the functional requirements of customers. Duan Yuan does not advocate cross-border chaos and lack of backbone.

[Private villa project]

Take a quiet and modern place in the downtown Simplicity Elegant bloom of wind and oriental lines

Design like love

As a well-known cross boundary designer of meditation in the industry, Duan Yuan believes that faith is very important. She adheres to the design principle of "being kind to others and treating customers with integrity", and grasps the bottom line of design without commercialization.

And the design with love and kindness should adhere to the purpose of setting people according to their own needs, increase the interaction between people and the environment, and achieve human activities through design. Unconditional addition of redundant decoration, on the contrary, appears slovenly, which is a kind of "bad".

In Duan Yuan's design, love and demand are often combined to make living comfortable. As she said, the design process is like a love affair, and love runs through the design details.

Speaking of suggestions for the growth of the new generation of designers, Duan Yuan reviewed the design path and said that the first starting point for newcomers is not infatuated with the pomp of fame, but to make good designs in a down-to-earth and stable manner. At the same time, she humbly said that she was also a student and would continue to learn; For customers, Duan Yuan hopes that he will not only play the role of designer, but also deliver more care to customers through design; As a mother, Duan Yuan hopes that his cultivation of "love" can also influence the next generation.

Calm mind can produce all things, starting from the heart. Home nourishes the heart, and home is where the heart is.


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