The 7th Dialogue of Heart to Heart Talks | Song Zichen: Undertake the mission of a new generation of designers

icon 2020-12-03 10:56:30
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Summary: Every designer has a city in his heart, which stores the beauty and inspiration collected from the world. One day, the city gate will open to show you how to practice beautiful design. "Heart to Heart Design" is an in-depth interview column for Chinese interior designer media, presenting the true heart of Chinese interior designers: behind the design is their profound understanding of life.

Every designer has a city in his heart, which stores the beauty and inspiration collected from the world. One day, the city gate will open to show you how to practice beautiful design. "Heart to Heart Design" is an in-depth interview column for Chinese interior designer media, presenting the true heart of Chinese interior designers: behind the design is their profound understanding of life.

Song Zichen is the founder of Jiucheng Space. 80's generation Designer, engaged in the design industry for 13 years. Focus on interpreting space art from a unique professional perspective. The combination of Chinese and Western design elements is used to create an orderly lighting atmosphere. The consideration of space details is close to rigorous, and the space temperament expressed is impressive.

   Sina Home Dialogue with Song Zichen:

   Design based on trust

It is a process of trust delivery for the owner to hand over the house design right to the designer. At present, owners generally agree that "houses are the epitome of people", so every house seems to have a life. Based on this, the trust mechanism between designers and owners mentioned by Song Zichen is particularly important.

"A good design work must not be completed only by the designer, but must have a good communication process in many ways." In general, that is, the communication in the early stage of design must be done in place, and the needs must be fully understood, so that the owner's imagination of the final presentation effect of the house can be realized.

Designer's work: Qianzhang Villa

As far as private house design is concerned, "reverse deduction" is an effective method to test whether the design idea is feasible. It is one thing to look at the renderings alone, but there are always intricate problems to sort out in the process of landing. When designing private houses, Song Zichen will incorporate engineering design experience, let soft decoration enter the site first, and determine landing nodes and material selection to facilitate the perfect landing of the construction period.

Song Zichen believed that to build a private house, the designer and the owner must reach a resonance in the so-called space aesthetics and design soul, and then create a designated decorative effect.

   Design butler "one-stop service"

In the eyes of others, the designer is an artist, and a drawing on the drawing can endow space with soul. In fact, a responsible designer should also assume the role of "design housekeeper", survey the decoration site with the construction team, and measure the design with steps.

Song Zichen said frankly that the original design plan was just a piece of paper, but various problems would be exposed in the process of house decoration, and the design plan should be constantly adjusted with the exposure of decoration problems. The process of changing the scheme also needs to be polished with the owner to achieve complete communication from the early stage to the middle stage and then to the late stage, so as to make the design more systematic.

In this way, the problem of the last mile of decoration can be solved, so that the design can be close to reality, and the later landing can be consistent with the design idea, presenting a satisfactory effect.

Designer's work: original work of Xi Chen

Design is a process of regret, and effective polishing is to reduce the cost of regret.

   Design pursues non definition

Compared with the previous decoration that "looks gorgeous", today's interior design avoids "superfluous" and tends to simplify - remove unnecessary decoration techniques, and pursue the authenticity and personal effect of space.

According to data, the current consumer group of residential decoration is becoming younger and younger, concentrated in the post-85 and post-90 age groups. This new consumer group clearly shows its personalized demand for lifestyle and attitude towards life. Designers who keep pace with the times are also breaking the design shackles and making adjustments according to the new market demand. But the result is often: ideal is very full, reality is very skinny.

Admittedly, in design, architecture should serve people, not people serving architecture. In the design, the practicability of residential space and the personalized expression of residents should be considered. The pursuit of space practicality is bound to reduce personalized performance.

Designer's work: original work of Xi Chen

In this regard, the designer Song Zichen's view is to transform space from single function to multi-function. It is a bold attempt to let practicality and personalization and the original intention of design play and collide. At the same time, the handover shall be done with the construction party during the landing process. This is in line with the expression of new consumer groups.

Today's design needs to do more cross-border design, put different design elements into different scenes, and do not do definitional design.

   Design enhances cultural confidence

In recent years, with the increase of opportunities to travel abroad and design exhibitions, Chinese people have a broader vision, which has also increased their confidence in national culture.

I would have admired European style American style Design, now many design products and styles focus on returning to the national fashion elements, and among the new decoration consumer groups, there is no lack of "new Chinese style ”Followers of the element.

With the improvement of comprehensive national strength and consumption level, the status of design has gradually improved, and Chinese design language is increasingly recognized. At the * * * Design Exhibition, more Chinese design forces spoke out. In some countries, there are also special exhibition halls for the exhibition of Chinese design elements, which is the cultural exchange of design.

Song Zichen believes that it is the mission of designers in the new era to make good designs on behalf of the nation and the national trend. In the future, Chinese design will be brilliant on the world stage.


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