Home textile joining conditions

2019-04-24 14:42:38   Source: China Franchise Network   3108 people participated
  • Business Scope: Wedding
  • Number of stores: 60
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Good home textile products have a vital impact on the structure of a warm and comfortable home environment. When selecting home textile brands, we should not only choose those with high market sales, but also combine consumer feedback to select better products, such as home textile. Home textiles It is a home textile brand positioned at the middle and high-end consumption level, taking the path of personalized and fast fashion development, with a high cost performance ratio, and was once warmly sought after by smart candidates. So, Home textiles How about joining? Home textiles Franchise conditions What are they? Let's have a look.

 Home textiles

   Home textiles Brand Introduction]

, a well-known home textile brand in China, owned by Hunan Home Textile Co., Ltd., mainly engaged in the production and sales of kit and core products. In the household bedding industry, the word represents good quality, fashionable design, and exquisite craftsmanship. Therefore, our bedding series can often attract people's attention and create amazing sales.

In terms of brand strength, it has strong product R&D and design capabilities, and also involves outsourcing production, brand promotion, channel construction and product sales. The design and tailoring of home textile products, product themes, colors and patterns are all fashionable. In addition, home textile products also take into account, mildew prevention and health protection. They have strong brand stickiness for market segments that pursue simplicity, fashion and personality, and have gained high reputation among consumers.

 Home textiles

   [Home Textile Franchise Conditions]

According to the official website of Home Textile, if you want to successfully join Home Textile, you need to meet the following conditions:

   1. Recognize the product style, corporate culture and business model; Have interest in home textile industry development;

   2. Fully understand the local business environment, competitive market and consumption;

   3. Have certain retail (brand) concept and management experience;

   4. Appreciation of fashion, enthusiastic and willing to communicate;

   5. More than 80 square meters of shops in prosperous commercial areas;

   6. The working capital is more than 300000 yuan.

At the same time, home textile franchise also needs to do the following:

Actively cooperate with the company to arrange and plan various training and promotion activities; Regularly feed back sales and inventory to the company; Jointly maintain the company's brand, report the phenomenon of brand counterfeiting and imitation in the market industry, and assist in image maintenance, business promotion and network expansion in the region under its jurisdiction; The [] brand retail business must be operated in the form of independent franchised stores or counters; Strictly abide by and implement the company's price policy.

 Home textiles

This is the requirement for home textile franchise. If you are confident of meeting the above conditions, you can contact the brand investment department to contact the franchise matters now. The market prospect for joining is good, and now there are unlimited opportunities for joining.

label: Home textile franchise
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