How much does it cost to open a home textile shop?

2013-04-24 13:37:33   Source: China Franchise Network   13019 people participated

The home textile market has always been concerned by the smart choice. Although the market competition in the home textile industry is very fierce, the number of entrepreneurs in the smart choice is still increasing. For the smart newcomers preparing to enter the home textile industry, one of the concerns is how much it costs to open a home textile store? If you are also interested in this issue, you may want to take a look at the following introduction, which may be helpful to you.

To open a home textile store wisely, there are many brands to choose from, with different thresholds. As far as the increase/increase of franchise fee is concerned, it can range from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands or even zero. It should be determined according to the brand grade and market positioning you choose, as well as the size, rent and first purchase requirements of the franchise brand. The rent of stores in different regions is different, Even if the smart choice is the same brand, the cost of smart choice for opening stores in different regions will vary greatly. How much does it cost to open a home textile shop? Each brand has requirements for the first purchase amount of franchisees. The purchase amount required by different store sizes is different. In addition to the first purchase, franchise fees, and increase/increase fees, the daily operation of the store also needs to supplement a certain amount of working capital as a support. In addition to rent, labor costs, etc., the more entrepreneurial capital on hand, the better. In a word, it is difficult to open a decent home textile store without a hundred or two hundred thousand yuan on hand. Of course, the specific situation needs to be determined more clearly after you have selected the franchise brand.

The home textile business is really attractive. Many home textile specialty stores have good sales performance, so the operators have embarked on the road to success. But not everyone's home textile entrepreneurial road is smooth, but also depends on the efforts of operators in the later stage. How much does it cost to open a home textile shop? It's really not a specific number that can be explained clearly. The first thing you need to do is to determine your own development direction, and then implement the goal to a certain franchise brand according to your ideas, so that you can find a precise answer. I wish you all the best!

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