All Merlot categories

Merlot electric water heater

Less than 800 yuan 800-1200 yuan 1200-1500 yuan 1500-1700 yuan 1700-2000 yuan 2000-2500 yuan 2500-3000 yuan 3000-3500 yuan 3500-4000 yuan More than 4000 yuan
Product type:
Quick heating type Thermal storage type Instant type Water storage type
Installation mode:
vertical Horizontal Floor standing Arbitrary installation Wall mounted Vertical hanging type Cross hanging type
Electric water heater:
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Merlot electric water heater information


Marketing schedule of Merlot electric water heater


Meile Electric Water Heater Ranking

Dealer of Meile electric water heater

Complaints against fraudulent merchants: 010-83417888-9185
  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Guangzhou
  • There is no dealer in this city