
    [Manual slow without] Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 four door refrigerator only costs 4501 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhishang Shalin

    Ronshen Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 four door refrigerator is now in pre-sale, and only needs to pay a deposit of 20 yuan. After the balance payment was paid at 8:00 p.m. on the 15th, the received price was 6665 yuan. In addition, plus members also enjoy a special discount of 26.66 yuan. You can also get a 10% discount category coupon for 100 yuan or more and a coupon for 2000 yuan or less. At the time of purchase, you can also enjoy a 300 yuan old for new subsidy, 50 yuan back for printing a single, and another 500 yuan red envelope activity for 148 users before 8:00 p.m. on the 15th. The original price of this refrigerator was 7799 yuan, but now it only costs 4501.84 yuan, which is a good price in the near future.

    Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 is a French four door refrigerator with a capacity of 517 liters. It is designed as an ultra-thin machine (only 598mm thick), which perfectly matches with the household cabinet. The embedded back panel is flush with the cabinet surface, avoiding bumps and making it more beautiful. The fitting cabinets on both sides are embedded in a more environmentally friendly and space saving way, and are integrated into the whole kitchen. In terms of storage area, it has two areas: cold storage area and cold storage area, both of which have excellent purification and sterilization effects. Among them, negative ion active sterilization Anti-Virus The effect of purifying the taste is better, and the overall purification and sterilization rate of the refrigerator has also reached more than 99.9%.

    In addition to beautiful appearance and complete functions, Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 also has many other advantages. It is equipped with intelligent sensing technology, which can automatically adjust the temperature according to the environment, and has a one button quick defrost function. The operation is also very simple and convenient, and users can easily control the freshness of the ingredients at home.

    In short, if you are looking for a refrigerator with excellent performance and moderate price, then Ronshen Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 is definitely worth your consideration! Take advantage of this promotion to rush to buy!

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     [Manual slow without] Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 four door refrigerator only costs 4501 yuan

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: [Manual slow without] Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 four door refrigerator only costs 4501 yuan true report one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three Ronshen Rongsheng BCD-517WD2MPQLA-ET51 four door refrigerator is now in pre-sale, and only needs to pay a deposit of 20 yuan. After the balance payment was paid at 8:00 p.m. on the 15th, the received price was 6665 yuan. In addition, plus members also enjoy a special discount of 26.66 yuan. You can also get a 10% discount category coupon for 100 yuan or more and a coupon for 2000 yuan or less. When purchasing, you can also enjoy 300 yuan of old for new subsidies
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