
    GG AWE 2024: Huawei Smart Screen V5 Series Smart Pointing Remote Control Won the Prize

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wang Rui

    two thousand and twenty-four On March 14, 2006, China Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo (hereinafter referred to as AWE) opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center. Zhongguancun Online selected the top 10 outstanding products of AWE 2024 for recognition after comprehensive consideration of multiple dimensions such as editing experience, user selection, and talent evaluation. (hereinafter referred to as GG AWE)

    two thousand and twenty-four Annual GGAWE: Huawei smart screen V5 series

     GG AWE 2024: Huawei Smart Screen V5 Series Smart Pointing Remote Control Won the Prize

    Award reason:

    Huawei smart screen V5 series adopts absolute pointing interaction technology, and is equipped with Huawei smart pointing remote control, which makes interaction as convenient as mobile phones. At the same time, thanks to the blessing of Hongmeng system, millions of applications can be played on the smart screen. Thanks to the Honghu 900 chip, the image quality is more exquisite and refined, making every film a 4K blockbuster.

    GGAWE The (Good Gear For AWE) Award represents that this product has not only won the unanimous recognition of professional editors, domain experts, consumers and other aspects, but also is a benchmark product in the annual product line, which has brought new development directions to the industry and led the industry forward.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: GG AWE 2024: Huawei Smart Screen V5 Series Smart Pointing Remote Control Won the Prize true report six hundred and fifty-three On March 14, 2024, the China Home Appliances and Consumer Electronics Expo (hereinafter referred to as AWE) opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center. Zhongguancun Online selected the top 10 outstanding products of AWE 2024 for recognition after comprehensive consideration of multiple dimensions such as editing experience, user selection, and talent evaluation. (hereinafter referred to as GG AWE) GGAWE in 2024: Huawei Smart Screen V5 Series Award Reason: Huawei Smart
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