
    What is the gold content and new content of TCL TV, which has been ranked the second in the world and the first in China?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Li Tao


    The global TV industry is experiencing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. After the upgrading of physical conditions such as product form and display mode, it has to face new audience groups and challenges. All walks of life around the world are rapidly advancing towards innovation, intelligence and low-carbon, and the television industry is no exception. In this "battle field" of updating and promoting the old, there is a Chinese TV brand that is very prominent. It is TCL.

    Both technology and sales volume are leading, creating a golden result of TCL TV's "second in the world and first in Chinese brands"

     What is the gold content and new content of TCL TV, which has been ranked the second in the world and the first in China?

    After several years of strong sales performance, TCL TV has already become the top selling TV in China, and its sales performance in the world is far ahead.

    According to the data released by Omdia, an international authoritative monitoring agency, TCL TV will continue to rank second in the world and first in Chinese brands with a sales volume of 25.26 million sets in the global TV sales ranking in 2023, with a global market share of 12.5%. During the period when the market environment was facing challenges, TCL not only maintained its position of "the second in the world and the first in Chinese brands" in 2022, but also increased its sales by 1.48 million units compared with 23.78 million units in 2022, with a year-on-year growth of 6.2%.

     What is the gold content and new content of TCL TV, which has been ranked the second in the world and the first in China?

    It is not easy for TCL TV to achieve the achievement of "No. 2 in the world and No. 1 in China". TCL TV, which is well aware of the principle that "forging iron requires its own hard work", has made profound technological accumulation in the past three decades, constantly improved the layout of the industrial chain, consolidated its own hard strength, and finally made remarkable achievements in the world with its thick accumulation and thin talent.

    When it comes to technology accumulation, TCL is really willing to invest in this aspect. For example, it has established research and development centers in China, the United States, Japan, France, Poland, Hong Kong and other places, set up optical, screen materials, picture quality, sound quality and other types of laboratories, and cooperated with world-class companies such as Google and Amazon.

    In the short 30 years, not only TCL TV, but also other Chinese brands are actively breaking through, developing and catching up. The spirit of these brands to work hard and dare to climb deserves everyone's respect.

    An enterprise with depth and pattern needs to pay more attention to long-term development planning and global layout in addition to its short-term interests. At the same time, through the cooperation and win-win between teams and enterprises, and through benign competition, promote the innovation and progress of the industry, and create greater enterprise value.

    TCL TV is unique in its global layout. As early as 1999, TCL TV began to enter the Vietnam market, opening its "voyage to the sea". After more than 20 years of overseas construction, TCL has spread all over the world.

    From 1993, when TCL launched China's first 28 inch large screen color TV set, to 2023, the global sales volume of more than 25 million sets will rank second in the world for two consecutive years. This achievement is a strong evidence of the high gold content of TCL TV, but the more important reason is the "new content" of TCL TV.

    "New quantity" is not only the core competitiveness of products, but also the core competitiveness of enterprise development

    The development of TCL TV has not been smooth. In 2004, TCL acquired Thomson Corporation of France. Although Thomson Corporation's picture tube television and rear projection television technologies were very powerful, LCD technology had begun to take shape and gradually replaced picture tube television at that time. Thomson's technology instantly disappeared. This acquisition made TCL Television "grow a bit of wisdom".

    Through this M&A, TCL realized something more important than M&A - talent, talent from all over the world. After several years of steady development, TCL has gradually enriched its wings and strengthened its scientific research team. By 2023, TCL (through TCL Industry and TCL Technology) has established 46 R&D centers and 38 manufacturing bases worldwide, with business scope reaching more than 160 countries and regions, and has always implemented "new content" into every new product.

    In today's TV product track, MiniLED has become the mainstream of the industry. TCL is the manufacturer of "the first to enter, the first to mass produce, the most complete product and the strongest supply chain" of the MiniLED track.

    TCL began to carry out relevant research and development of MiniLED in 2017, and opened up the whole process capability of material research, design and development, production and manufacturing. In 2018, the world's first MiniLED TV was released. In 2019, the world's first MiniLED smart screen will achieve mass production. In 2020, it will take 90% of the sales of the world's MiniLED products. In 2021, it will become the "leader unit" of China Electronic Video Industry Association CMMA. In the current MiniLED TV field, TCL has gained a leading position in both the market and technology. Its domestic market share has exceeded half of the country, ranking first for consecutive years.

    At the recently concluded Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas (CES2024), TCL released the world's largest 115 inch QD MiniLED high-end giant screen TV. This product is based on the HVA high contrast and high penetration display technology independently developed by TCL Huaxing, coupled with 20000+level backlight partitions, XDR5000nits peak brightness, and 50 million: 1 ultra-high contrast, pushing the TV picture quality to an unprecedented level! It is equipped with Anqiao 6.2.2 Hi Fi sound system, which perfectly restores the theater level shock sound effect. It can be said that this 115 inch QD MiniLED TV has "new content" that no one can match.

    TCL not only works hard on the screen, but also makes continuous efforts and overall layout on the control chip and image quality algorithm. At CES2024, an enhancement chip specially designed for MiniLED TV was also unveiled to further tap the potential of image quality. More good news came in the New Year. TCL's new generation of independent image quality chips have been successfully tested. With disruptive AI computing power, they can provide better image quality processing effects and will be used in this year's flagship new products.

    With its outstanding "new content", TCL's new products have also won many awards, such as "2023-2024 Top 10 Consumer Electronics Leading Brands", "2023-2024 Top 10 Global TV Brands", "2023-2024 Gold Award for Innovative Display Technology (115 inch QD MiniLED giant screen TV)", etc. These awards are recognition of TCL's brand's gold content and new content.

    TCL spares no effort in investing capital, human resources and resources in scientific and technological research and development, and is committed to promoting technological innovation and development in the industry. This just corresponds to what Mr. Li Dongsheng, the founder and chairman of TCL, said in an interview on CCTV Finance Channel, "We must continue to do the layout of future investment, otherwise there will be no future".

    Since the reform and opening up, China's national enterprises have been fully developed. Many brands have gone out of the country and into the world. These brands seen around the world are excellent enterprises. It is also hoped that more Chinese enterprises can take a longer view, try to go abroad and go to the world, compete, grow and shine on the global stage, so that the brand value of national enterprises will continue to improve, and people around the world will use Chinese brand "smart" products.

    It takes only a few steps to reach a thousand miles

    The development of any enterprise and any brand starts from bit by bit. After experiencing all kinds of hardships, it will grow stronger or exit sadly.

    The same is true of TCL TV. From the first TV set to the second in the world and the first in Chinese brand today, TCL can not do without the choice of steady progress and solid development. We hope that TCL TV will continue to do the same in the future, maintain the existing user base, continue to explore the market of new generations of people, continue to improve the comprehensive competitiveness of products, and hit the throne of "global first".

    When we look at the development process of Chinese brands represented by TCL, it is not difficult to find that they are actively breaking through and catching up with unprecedented speed and determination, based at home and looking globally, not afraid to break ranks with world-class enterprises, not satisfied with following the pace of others, but striving to become the industry leader. These excellent Chinese national enterprises are focusing on innovation drive Based on quality, we are constantly improving our comprehensive competitiveness, showing the wisdom and strength of Chinese enterprises to the world, and winning recognition and respect from the global market. We hope that such national enterprises will become more and more, that brands like TCL will become more and more, that they will be seen by the world, that the world will understand Chinese brands, and that the world will fall in love with Chinese brands!

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: What is the gold content and new content of TCL TV, which has been ranked the second in the world and the first in China? true report five thousand one hundred and fifty Introduction The global TV industry is experiencing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. After the upgrading of physical conditions such as product form and display mode, it has to face new audience groups and challenges. All walks of life around the world are rapidly advancing towards innovation, intelligence and low-carbon, and the television industry is no exception. In this "battle field" of updating and pushing out the old, there is a Chinese TV
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