
    The latest flagship series of Red Rice has been released. Lu Weibing is really developing benefits!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Li Tao

    On November 29, the Redmi K70 series press conference was held as scheduled, and the style of the whole conference was one word - ruthlessness. Mr. Lu is cruel to himself, to his friends, and even more cruel to pricing.

    No nonsense, let's get to the point!

     The latest flagship series of Red Rice has been released. Lu Weibing is really developing benefits!

    There are three versions of Redmi K70E, of which 12+256 sells for 1999 yuan, 16+512 sells for 2199 yuan, and 16+1TB sells for 2599 yuan. When Lu Weibing shouted the price, the whole audience was boiling. It was 2023, and the flagship of 1999 yuan could be made. Perhaps only Redmi can do it for all brands. No wonder Lu Weibing has been talking about friends and merchants before the release. It turns out that all the best moves are above the price. It is said that 1999 yuan can buy a model with performance superior to Qualcomm Snapdragon 8+, as well as the Xiaomi Pengpai OS blessing and the Qingshan eye protection technology blessing screen.

     The latest flagship series of Red Rice has been released. Lu Weibing is really developing benefits!

    Ah, this! It's really delicious. Is there a possibility? Hongmi has rectified the whole thing with its own efforts mobile phone What is the price of the industry?

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The latest flagship series of Red Rice has been released. Lu Weibing is really developing benefits! true report seven hundred and twenty On November 29, the Redmi K70 series press conference was held as scheduled, and the style of the whole conference was one word - ruthlessness. Mr. Lu is cruel to himself, to his friends, and even more cruel to pricing. No nonsense, let's get to the point! There are three versions of Redmi K70E, of which 12+256 sells for 1999 yuan, 16+512 sells for 2199 yuan, and 16+1TB sells for 2599 yuan. When Lu Weibing shouted out the price, the whole audience
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