
    Household appliance use secret: let old appliances live for 10 years without spending a penny

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhou Xun

    Many families have a lot of old household appliances, and if the household appliances are overdue for service, there will be many security risks.

    New three years old three years, sewing and patching for another three years. The spirit of hard work and plain living has always been advocated by Chinese people. But for household appliances, this idea is wrong. Many household appliances that have been used for many years are not only outdated in appearance, but also have many potential safety hazards where they cannot be seen inside.

     Household appliance use secret: let old appliances live for 10 years without spending a penny

    After the household appliances are used for a long time, the internal circuits will age. In particular, sometimes the user's home use environment is not very good, such as high temperature baking, sunlight and humid environment, which may lead to the shortening of the life of internal components and circuits. In the long run, it will lay hidden dangers for problems. So, what is the normal service life of household appliances? Now let's reveal the answer for everyone.

    Do you know the safe service life of household appliances

    In fact, several years ago, the National Standardization Administration Commission formulated the Detailed Rules for Safe Service Life of Household Appliances, in which the safe service life of household appliances was specified. In the regulations, whether it's like TV air conditioner Large household appliances such as refrigerators or small household appliances such as electric shavers and hair dryers also have service life. Please refer to the corresponding service life in the table.

     Household appliance use secret: let old appliances live for 10 years without spending a penny

    Of course, the service life of the above household appliances is the recommended service life in a normal environment. There are many consumers who do not pay attention to the use of household appliances. They are relatively lack of daily maintenance of household appliances, so in the long run, the service life of products will be shortened. So, what precautions can be taken to ensure the normal service life of household appliances without premature problems? Next, let's talk together.

    Develop good use habits

    Taking TV as an example, many users often think that pressing the power button on the remote control is a normal shutdown when using it. In fact, it is not. Although the remote control has a power button, pressing it only makes the TV in standby mode, not a real shutdown. If the power socket is still powered on at this time, the TV is also powered on at this time, in standby mode, and not completely shut down. In this case, the correct way is to cut off the power supply of the socket. For a TV with a hard switch, the hard switch should be turned off. For televisions without a hard switch, it is best to turn off the power socket switch or unplug the plug.

     Household appliance use secret: let old appliances live for 10 years without spending a penny

    In addition, the daily maintenance of household appliances is also a matter of concern. For example, some users still use the old direct cooling refrigerator at home, which is different from the air-cooled frost free refrigerator. During the use, there will be a lot of frost, which will reduce the refrigeration effect of the refrigerator and increase the compress The operating time of the machine reduces the service life.

    Kitchen appliances, completely dry before installing the head and body

    For small household appliances, there are also many precautions. For example, many people often use soy milk machine products. Many people are used to cleaning the soy milk machine and putting it away immediately after use. In fact, this is not good. Although everyone will dry the fuselage and nose after cleaning, there will still be wet conditions. If the soymilk machine is installed at this time, the inside of the machine head will be in a humid environment, and the internal components are likely to be affected with moisture, which will lead to potential safety hazards. Therefore, if you want to extend the service life of household appliances, you should pay attention to daily maintenance. Only in this way can household appliances better serve us.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Household appliance use secret: let old appliances live for 10 years without spending a penny true report two thousand eight hundred and twenty-six Many families have a lot of old household appliances, and if the household appliances are overdue for service, there will be many security risks. New three years old three years, sewing and patching for another three years. The spirit of hard work and plain living has always been advocated by Chinese people. But for household appliances, this idea is wrong. Many household appliances that have been used for many years are not only outdated in appearance, but invisible inside
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