
    The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode?

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: MA

    Yesterday's dithering sound made me cry - ice cream shop Refrigerator The explosion killed and injured a family. Why do you encounter such a thing as a refrigerator explosion? Obviously, every household has household appliances. Why is there any potential safety hazard? After checking, I found that the refrigerator exploded, which may happen to you and me at any time.

     The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode?

    Before studying the problem, we first need to know what part of the refrigerator may explode.

    In fact, refrigerators are similar to air conditioners through compress The machine circulates refrigerant (refrigerant, snow) to realize cooling. At present, Most refrigerators on the market use R600a (isobutane) As a refrigerant, there is almost no exception even for imported brands. R600a (isobutane) is colorless, odorless, flammable, and easy to explode when mixed with air.

     The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode?

    You are right. Our refrigerators use R600a, a flammable and explosive refrigerant. Why use it when it is flammable and explosive? Quite simply, R600a has high refrigeration efficiency, low production cost, and is not easy to pollute the environment. On the whole, it is the most cost-effective refrigerant. At present, it is widely used in China, Europe, America, Japan and other countries and regions.

    Generally, refrigerant Sealed in the refrigeration pipeline Therefore, explosion may occur only in a few cases of pipeline leakage.

    Under what circumstances may the refrigerator explode due to refrigerant? The simplest example: Use a knife to defrost. If a knife is used during defrosting, Sharp knives can easily cut the wall of the freezer chamber, causing refrigerant leakage , forming explosive mixture with air. If the temperature just reaches the explosion bar Pieces, just Explosion may occur.

    In addition, if the environment in which the refrigerator is located is relatively sealed, resulting in poor heat dissipation, high temperature, and the metal pipeline may be open; In addition, if the refrigerator is in a humid environment and has been used for a long time, the metal pipe may be corrosion In case of leakage, explosion may also occur.

     The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode?

    How can we avoid refrigerant leakage caused by defrosting, despite the accidents? Very simple, we can use hot water and hair dryer to de ice.

    ○ Hot water deicing: after the refrigerator is powered off, lay a layer of cloth in the space where the refrigerator needs deicing, put in a basin of hot water and close the refrigerator door. After ten minutes, the ice will naturally fall off and send more. At this time, we only need to clean up the fallen ice.

    ○ Hair dryer deicing: after the refrigerator is powered off, use the hair dryer to blow the ice. Attention is required. Do not place the hair dryer too close to the refrigerator, or the refrigerator may be deformed due to high temperature.

     The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode?

    You are right. Our refrigerators use R600a, a flammable and explosive refrigerant.

    You are right. Our refrigerators use R600a, a flammable and explosive refrigerant.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The refrigerator explodes, killing and injuring every household Why does the refrigerator still explode? true report two thousand two hundred and eighty Yesterday, a dithering sound showed me crying - the refrigerator of the ice-cream shop exploded, killing and injuring one another, and a family was thus destroyed. Why do you encounter such a thing as a refrigerator explosion? Obviously, every household has household appliances. Why is there any potential safety hazard? After checking, I found that the refrigerator exploded, which may happen to you and me at any time. 1 The refrigerator will also explode. It is the refrigerant that caused the problem
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