
    Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Junrong

    Refrigerator TV can be said to be Every family has standard household appliances. Many people will go online to look at strategies when buying a TV and focus on how to select a suitable TV to get a better audio-visual experience. But when buying a refrigerator, besides focusing on efficiency, price and appearance, there is not much that people care about. Is that really the case? In fact, it is difficult for most people to choose a refrigerator that is really suitable for them, and the refrigerator is a big piece that has been used for more than ten years. So if you choose the wrong one, you will regret it and spend money unjustly.

     Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money

    How should we choose the right refrigerator for ourselves?

    First of all, the core of the refrigerator is the capacity. Because the capacity is not enough, no advanced function can play its value. and The capacity of the refrigerator depends on the needs of the family. The more family members there are, the more food and drinks need to be stored. Therefore, it is necessary to select a refrigerator capacity suitable for the size of the family. The selection of refrigerator capacity should be based on the number of families and storage needs.

    Single family: usually choose a small refrigerator with a capacity between 100 liters and 150 liters.

    2-3 person family: choose a medium-sized refrigerator with a capacity between 200L and 300L to meet the basic needs.

    Large families with 4 or more people: It is recommended to choose a large refrigerator with a capacity of more than 300 liters to store more food and drinks.

    However, the recommended value is not so accurate. It is just a guiding principle. It is best to choose the capacity of the refrigerator according to the actual situation. For example, if you like to buy a large number of fresh ingredients and frozen food, you need a larger refrigerator capacity; If the housing space is limited, you need to choose a smaller refrigerator.

     Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money

    At present, the main refrigeration methods of refrigerators are direct cooling, air cooling and mixed cooling, among which the direct cooling refrigerator is the refrigeration method commonly used by us 10 years ago. Direct cooling is cheap, but easy to frost; Air cooling is basically used by refrigerators with a price of about 3000 yuan and large capacity refrigerators. Although the price is moderate, it is easy to lose water from the ingredients; Mixed cooling is usually a kind of refrigeration mode used by advanced refrigerators, which is a combination of air cooling and direct cooling, and the price will be more expensive than the other two.

     Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money

    Mixed cooling>air cooling>direct cooling, specific You can choose the best according to your needs. At present, there are too many air cooling users.

    The noise of refrigerators has an impact on the quality of family life. Choosing refrigerators with lower noise can reduce noise interference. If we buy in a physical store, we can listen closely to the running sound of the refrigerator to see whether it is too loud or unusually noisy; If you buy online, you can directly check the technical parameters on the e-commerce page. Some manufacturers will indicate the noise decibel number of the refrigerator in the product manual. The lower the noise decibel number, the lower the noise.

    In fact, there is not much to talk about about the way to open the door. Theoretically, the more doors there are, the better the insulation of the refrigerator will be, because the less doors there are, the larger the area to open the door will be, and the cold air will be lost. When purchasing, the French four door is recommended. The partition of the door is reasonable. The single space at the bottom of the freezing area is large enough to store large food materials, which is very convenient.

     Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money

    In fact, whether refrigerators or televisions, we should clearly understand our actual needs and budget before making shopping decisions, rather than blindly pursuing large and comprehensive, such as blindly pursuing large capacity refrigerators and flashy functions, and also recommend big brands such as Ximenzi, Bosch, Haier, Hisense and Rongsheng when purchasing. also I hope this article can help you clarify your own needs and select the most suitable products.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Don't pay attention to these points. Buying a refrigerator is a waste of money true report two thousand seven hundred and fifty Refrigerators and televisions can be said to be standard appliances for every family. Many people will go online to see strategies when buying televisions, and pay attention to how to choose the right TV to get a better audio-visual experience. But when buying refrigerators, there is not much to care about except efficiency, price and appearance. Is that really the case? In fact, it is difficult for most people to choose a suitable method
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