
    Please keep this list of how to build a smart home with a budget of 100 yuan

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Junrong

    With the innovation technology related to the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, we have achieved a home that can continue to operate independently and smoothly, that is, smart home. It can be sure that with the entry of more powerful players, smart home has changed from a concept to a productive force. However, many people think that if they can switch on and off by themselves, why do they have to move their mouth? Chicken ribs cost money. In fact, smart home can not only improve the efficiency of life, but also far exceed the traditional manual control in safety and energy saving, greatly upgrading the quality of life.

    However, many friends' wallets have been deterred by this. Today, the author has prepared a list for everyone, so that we can realize the whole house black technology even with a budget of 100 yuan.

    Smart switches are definitely indispensable to the smart home system. They are intelligent components linked to various scenes. The planning of switches in each area will affect the experience of intelligence.

    At present, according to the different networking methods and communication protocols, smart switches can be divided into WiFi switches, ZigBee switches and Bluetooth switches, among which WiFi switches and ZigBee switches are the most common, both of which have the same functions and applications, and can be accessed through the mobile phone terminal Remote control And smart speaker voice control, but the WiFi switch cannot be used when WiFi is disconnected at home, while the ZigBee switch can.

     Please keep this list of how to build a smart home with a budget of 100 yuan

    Smart switches on the market today are not expensive. For example, the Xiaomi wireless switch Bluetooth version supports intelligent one button switching throughout the house, one button to go home mode, double click to view the film mode, long press to go away mode, etc., which is very convenient to use.

    At present, our smart home is connected to all devices in the home scene through a centralized product, such as smart speakers, smart TVs, smart central control screens, etc. The smart speakers are the product of speaker upgrading. We can operate songs on demand, online shopping, etc. through voice, and also control smart home devices, such as opening curtains Set the temperature of the refrigerator and let the water heater rise in advance.

    Little love speakers, small smart speakers and Tmall Genie are commonly used today, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan. Friends who want to experience home linkage can choose brands according to their own needs and the corresponding equipment at home. If the home is mainly Apple equipment, they can consider starting with HomePod, Although the price is more expensive, it can bring better intelligent experience.

     Please keep this list of how to build a smart home with a budget of 100 yuan

    The sensors include door and window sensors and body sensors. The principles are the same. For example, door and window sensors can sense the opening and closing status of doors and windows, so that when you enter the door, lighting, air conditioning, television, curtains and other scenes can be automatically turned on. Human body sensors are more suitable for indoor use, which can detect the movement of indoor people and pets, and automatically turn on indoor lights. It can be said that it is the key to serial control of smart appliances.

     Please keep this list of how to build a smart home with a budget of 100 yuan

    These two kinds of sensors are available at any price. You can start with Xiaomi directly within 100 yuan. It is also convenient to use Mijia APP in conjunction with other products.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Please keep this list of how to build a smart home with a budget of 100 yuan true report two thousand three hundred and twenty-three With the innovation technology related to the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, we have achieved a home that can continue to operate independently and smoothly, that is, smart home. It can be sure that with the entry of more powerful players, smart home has changed from a concept to a productive force. However, many people think that if they can switch by themselves, why do they have to move their mouth? Chicken ribs also spend money. In fact, smart home except
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