
    Huawei brain computer interface patent discloses direct operation of EEG signal!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Siberian Husky

    Brain computer is one of the most popular technologies at present. Many laboratories around the world are studying this technology.

    Recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and Tianjin University published a new patent "human-computer interaction method, human-computer interaction device and storage medium".

     Huawei brain computer interface patent discloses direct operation of EEG signal!

    It is understood that this patent is a human-computer interaction method, including displaying human-computer connection, in which there are operable objects and visual stimulation areas.

    When the user looks at different places in the visual stimulation area, different EEG signals will be generated, and then the EEG signals will send different operation commands to the machine, so that the user can issue different operation commands without directly looking at the visual stimulation.

    However, from the current development of the industry, brain computer technology still has a long way to go, and is still in the preliminary exploration stage.

    However, it is undeniable that brain computers may indeed be the mainstream development direction in the coming decades, and advanced brain computer equipment can help people to obtain a more simple, convenient and efficient lifestyle.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei brain computer interface patent discloses direct operation of EEG signal! true report five hundred and eighty-eight Brain computer is one of the most popular technologies at present. Many laboratories around the world are studying this technology. Recently, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and Tianjin University published a new patent "human-computer interaction method, human-computer interaction device and storage medium". It is understood that this patent is a human-computer interaction method, including displaying human-computer connection, in which there are operable objects and visual stimulation areas. Users in
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