
    25-35 years old must see these three products to open the gap between you and your peers

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wu Yating

    Article | Editor in Chief of Sunshine Bella | Editor in Chief of Wu Yating | Tang Di

    Some people never exercise, so they are always out of luck with good skin and body. They have no freedom to dress at all. They can only buy some fat basic models, which is very boring. I always dare not look at the medical report.

    Don't always ask what exercise can do? Do you dare to persist for one month first? You may think it is a waste of time, but it takes more time to queue up to see a doctor in the hospital. You are afraid that exercise will waste your energy, but in fact, if you do not exercise, you will have no energy. You will gasp after taking a few steps.  

    And you are also vulnerable to sensitivity and internal friction. When you are in a bad mood, under great pressure and misunderstood, it is better to turn around and exercise.

    Recommend several household sports equipment.

    1. Household treadmill

    As the main equipment for indoor sports, the treadmill has its unique advantages: first, it is not affected by the weather. Secondly, the running belt of the treadmill is equipped with springs, which can reduce the wear force and hedge during running, protect the knee and ankle joint, and play a buffer role.

    This model can be linked to Huawei's sports health, and has no noise. It is not worried about disturbing other neighbors. You can play music at home and walk with it, killing two birds with one stone. However, it is not recommended to use a treadmill if the weight is higher than that of normal people, and the exercise time should also be controlled.

    2. Sporty bicycle

    Originated in the United States, the intensity of sports is completely controllable and suitable for people with sports ability. Aerobic exercise that can exercise the whole body. It is suitable for people aged 15 to 50. It also saves space. Those who want to form good habits in summer can try it.

    3. Elliptical machine

    Also called space walking machine, it is a good instrument for cardio pulmonary function exercise. It can not only prevent, reduce and relieve cervical spondylosis, periarthritis of shoulder and upper back pain, but also enhance the endurance and strength of the waist muscles. It can achieve the effect of shaping the body by stimulating the buttocks, thighs, side waist and abdomen.

    It's hot in summer. When you run outside, you will be sweaty. Many people in the gym are not safe. They are afraid of getting a card. If the boss runs away one day, it's better to buy some equipment at home to get active. Playing, listening to music and exercising are just a small habit that can gradually open the gap between you and your peers.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 25-35 years old must see these three products to open the gap between you and your peers true report one thousand six hundred and seventy-seven Article | Editor in Chief of Sunshine Bella | Editor in Chief of Wu Yating | Tang Di, some people never exercise, so they are always out of luck with good skin and body, and have no freedom to dress. They can only buy some fat basic models, which is very boring. I always dare not look at the medical report. Don't always ask what exercise can do? Do you dare to persist for one month first? You might think it's a waste of time
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