
    A major household hazard that you are unaware of is secretly damaging the health of the whole family!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Huang Ruixian

    Nowadays, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and a major household hazard that you are not aware of may be happening quietly, seriously damaging the health of the whole family.

    The 2020 National Household Environmental Protection Report took four years to collect the home environment inspection data of 67624 ordinary families across the country. The data is shocking: in the summer when the temperature rises and formaldehyde is released at an accelerated rate, most families have become the "worst hit areas" of formaldehyde, and the formaldehyde exceeding standard rate in July and August was as high as 52%.

    In other words, in the hot summer, one out of every two families has excessive formaldehyde!

    01 Where does the formaldehyde come from?

    Many people may think that only new home decoration materials will emit harmful gases. In fact, no matter it is new, old, floor, wooden furniture, or paint, formaldehyde is widespread.

    The widespread presence of formaldehyde also means that formaldehyde is released for a long time. It can be seen from the comprehensive investigation report on formaldehyde detection of many institutions that the rate of formaldehyde concentration exceeding the standard is close to half within 0-6 months of house decoration. The research of Yokohama National University in Japan shows that the release period of formaldehyde is generally 3-15 years. That is to say, formaldehyde will not be released completely within three months after decoration, but will be released slowly for several years after about six months of continuous high concentration release.

    Especially in the hot summer now, due to the characteristic of formaldehyde boiling point of 19 degrees, its release will increase significantly, which is more likely to lead to exceeding the standard.

    02 The harm of formaldehyde may exceed your imagination

    The fundamental reason why we talk about formaldehyde discoloration is that it is too harmful to human body.

    It may irritate mucous membrane and respiratory tract, rhinitis, asthma, dizziness and nausea are minor problems, and it may lead to gene mutation, even teratogenesis and carcinogenesis. Especially for newborns and babies with low immunity and more sensitivity, low-dose formaldehyde pollution may cause particularly serious consequences.

    Because of this, more and more families have begun to use various aldehyde removal methods to protect themselves and their families from household pollution and actively improve the indoor air condition.

    03 How to solve the problem of formaldehyde?

    The author searched Baidu, "How to remove formaldehyde?", and showed about 36700000 results. The number of results was really dazzling.

    Which formaldehyde removal methods are effective? What are IQ taxes? Today, I will reveal the secret for you!


    After decoration, ventilating the house is the cheapest, simplest and most effective way to remove formaldehyde.

    It is recommended to buy a large industrial fan and equip it with a smart socket. It is regularly turned on at 8 a.m. every day and automatically turned off at 8 p.m. Blow air 12 hours a day to speed up air circulation and exhaust indoor formaldehyde.


     A major household hazard that you are unaware of is secretly damaging the health of the whole family!

    The removal of formaldehyde by photocatalyst is a new method in recent decades. Whether it can effectively remove formaldehyde has always been controversial.

    In fact, Fujishima Zhao, a famous Japanese photochemical scientist, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a Japanese photocatalyst importer and inventor, was invited by CCTV to explain whether photocatalyst can remove formaldehyde. He said that photocatalysis is often used as external facade building materials, and only the parts directly exposed by sunlight can play a sufficient role. But if you want to use it indoors, the light is too weak and the wavelength is only visible light, so the removal effect is very weak.

    If the decoration environment of your home has strong light conditions, or as Sa Benin said on the program, you can also try to install ultraviolet lights indoors.

    ·Activated carbon package

    Activated carbon can be regarded as an "old acquaintance" in the field of formaldehyde removal.

    It does have a certain effect, but it should be noted that after the adsorption capacity of activated carbon coated with formaldehyde is saturated, it will carry out secondary volatilization, causing secondary pollution to the environment.

    Therefore, if you choose to use activated carbon bag to remove formaldehyde, be sure to replace it regularly.

    ·Various fruit peels

    Formaldehyde removal of orange peel, pomelo peel, lemon peel and onion? These so-called folk remedies are deceptive. At best, they can cover the decoration smell of the new house, but cannot remove formaldehyde. The same goes for vinegar and black tea.

      ·Green plant

     A major household hazard that you are unaware of is happening quietly!

    Lvzhi is definitely a good hand at removing formaldehyde in most people's minds.

    There is photosynthesis in green plants, which can really purify the air, but it may not be effective to use green plants to remove formaldehyde.

    ·Fresh air system

     A major household hazard that you are unaware of is secretly damaging the health of the whole family!

    The principle of the fresh air system to remove formaldehyde is that when it is running, it sends outdoor fresh air into the room, so that the indoor air can be effectively diluted and purified, and then discharged out of the room. Such an indoor and outdoor mobile environment can effectively discharge harmful gases such as formaldehyde in the home and improve the indoor air quality.

    The formaldehyde removal effect of the fresh air system is quite good, but the cost is generally expensive. After all, every penny counts.

    ·Air purifier

    For most air purifiers on the market, the function of formaldehyde removal is to add activated carbon and other substances on the filter, and absorb formaldehyde by rotating the fan.

    Just like the activated carbon bag, remember to replace the filter element regularly.

    Finally, let me tell you a good news. The latest national standard of formaldehyde emission from wood-based panels and their products will be implemented on October 1 this year. The national standard this time can be said to be extremely powerful, so that the formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels has a rigid standard, and manufacturers will not be fooled.

    To some extent, this is also a very effective way to remove formaldehyde.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: A major household hazard that you are unaware of is secretly damaging the health of the whole family! true report four thousand one hundred and eighty-four Nowadays, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and a major household hazard that you are not aware of may be happening quietly, seriously damaging the health of the whole family. The 2020 National Household Environmental Protection Report took four years to collect the home environment test data of 67624 ordinary families across the country, and the data is shocking: in the summer when the temperature rises and formaldehyde is released at an accelerated rate, most families have become "disaster areas" of formaldehyde
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