
    Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology

      [   Zhongguancun Online Original] Author:   |   Editor in charge: Li Yang
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    On the afternoon of August 20, 2015, Haier held and released a product experience meeting of Haier's clean water water heater in Beijing. The industry's first water purification technology was released on the site of the experience meeting, and the logo for water purification of electric water heaters was jointly released in conjunction with authoritative institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Home Appliances Summit, which defined a new standard for healthy bathing.

     Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology
    Experience meeting site

     Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology
    Zhihui Safe and Clean Health

    Since the launch of Haier's clean water washing water heater, many users have begun to pay attention to the problem of clean water bathing. Repeated use of the water heater will breed bacteria and scale in the tank, and long-term use of dirty water for bathing has become a criticism of many families. In order to solve this problem that has puzzled the industry for many years, Haier clean water washing water heater came into being.

     Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology
    Clean water washing solution

    The technology of clean water washing is also composed of the original M-type patented water purification technology of Haier water heater and three kinds of bacteria elimination technologies, which can make 97% of the water flow inside the water heater move, thus avoiding the generation of stagnant water. At the same time, three ways of eliminating bacteria, namely, ultra-high temperature sterilization, high temperature bacteriostasis and material bacteriostasis, are added to eliminate 99% of the bacteria in the bath water. Not only that, Haier's clean water washing water heater equipped with clean water washing technology also set new world records in three indicators of bath water freshness, heat output and heating speed, and also issued a world record certificate at the site of the experience meeting.

     Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology
    Issue World Record Certificate

    The clean water washing mark jointly issued by Haier water heater and domestic authoritative organizations points out a healthy standard for consumers, which is also a microcosm of Haier water heater's technological innovation this year. From the time when the electric wall technology became an international standard to the time when NOCO technology was identified as an international leading safety technology, Haier's water heaters did not stop innovating.

     Define healthy bathing standards Haier releases clean water washing technology
    Release clean water washing logo

    Haier, as the leading brand in the household appliance industry, has begun to explore a transparent factory and open the connected factory line to consumers around the world. Among them, Haier's water heater has continuously launched safer and more personalized products for consumers through technological innovation on the basis of meeting the needs of users, further laying a solid user foundation. This experience will not only reflect Haier's firm belief in healthy life, but also convey the spirit of quality assurance. true // report one thousand three hundred and thirty On the afternoon of August 20, 2015, Haier held and released a product experience meeting of Haier's clean water water heater in Beijing. The industry's first water purification technology was released on the site of the experience meeting, and the logo for water purification of electric water heaters was jointly released in conjunction with authoritative institutions such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Home Appliances Summit, which defined a new standard for healthy bathing. On the spot of the experience meeting, Zhihui safely enjoyed health from Haier clean water heater
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