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Military homepage >>Online version of Tank and Armored Vehicle Exclusive network partner of Tank and Armored Vehicle magazine
Wulin rookie>>
Weapon vertical and horizontal: Canada MMEV new multi-purpose fighting vehicle (group picture)
China Launches the Latest Lightning 2000 Proximity Defense System (Photos)
Foreign media said that China is focusing on the development of shipborne J-10 fighters (photos)
China Launches Foreign Trade Upgraded Giant Bow II Air Defense System (Photos)
Military fans talk about soldiers>>
Taiwan Senior Military Experts Exercised the Battle of the Taiwan Strait (Photos)
Comments on Heavy Equipment of Chinese Airborne Forces HJ8 Removed the Modified T72 Turret
Weapons: Uncover the secrets of Soviet explosive reactive armor (group pictures)
Heavy Fist Attack - Italy's New "Heavy Fist" 30 Light Turret (Group Picture)
Fighting vehicle vertical and horizontal>>
Detailed explanation of performance of domestic 81 series and export armored command vehicles (pictures)
Uncover the secrets of the Chinese 89 type 120mm self-propelled anti tank gun (photos)
Uncover the secrets of our active ZDF89 anti tank missile launcher (photos)
Uncover the performance of China 84 type tank bridge erecting vehicle (group picture)
History of chariots>>
Secrets of PLA pilots' test flight of French Mirage 2000 fighter (photos)
Type 95 light tank -- the vanguard of Japanese troops in Southeast Asia (group picture)
EMB - Sea Flying Cavalry Expendables (group picture)
Mekava -- the "Pioneer" in the Palestinian Israeli Conflict (Part 1) (Group Picture)
  Taiwan experts rehearse the battle of the Taiwan Strait
After the successful completion of the Olympic Games in 2008, China has gained great international fame and sound economic and trade development, leaving the Taiwan issue as the only weakness. Since China passed the Anti Secession Law, cross-strait negotiations have been rife with differences detailed >>
· China's self-developed HQ16 air defense system stopped purchasing Doyle M1 missiles (photos)
· Foreign military media said that China has strengthened the attack capability of mechanized infantry divisions
· Taiwan Media Assesses the Development of Mainland AEW Aircraft (Group Picture)
· Military situation observation: the era of robot war is coming (photos)
· Trolley carrying artillery: Sweden CV90120-T light tank (group picture)
· Taiwan Senior Military Experts Exercised the Battle of the Taiwan Strait (Photos)
· The Korean People's Army's trump card weapon inventory (pictures)
· China's self-developed HQ16 air defense system stopped purchasing Doyle M1 missiles (photos)
· Uncover the secrets of Chinese tank troops passing through the nuclear explosion (photos)
· Field support drill of the most powerful engineering unit of the PLA (photos)
· Comments on Heavy Equipment of Chinese Airborne Forces HJ8 Removed the Modified T72 Turret
· Foreign military media said that China has strengthened the attack capability of mechanized infantry divisions
· Taiwan Media Assesses the Development of Mainland AEW Aircraft (Group Picture)
· Detailed explanation of heavy main battle equipment of the 15th Airborne Army of China (photos)
News search: Keywords:      
· Detailed explanation of performance of domestic 81 series and export armored command vehicles (pictures)
· Uncover the secrets of the Chinese 89 type 120mm self-propelled anti tank gun (photos)
· Uncover the secrets of our active ZDF89 anti tank missile launcher (photos)
· Uncover the performance of China 84 type tank bridge erecting vehicle (group picture)
· Type 95 light tank -- the vanguard of Japanese troops in Southeast Asia (group picture)
· Finland Modular Armored Wheeled Vehicles (Group Diagram)
· Jiaolong in the water -- 63 type amphibious tank (group picture)
· Conception of Army Force Construction and Equipment Development in the Southeast Coast (Group Picture)
· German KMW "wild dog" 2 full protection vehicle (group picture)
· M113 - "battlefield TAXI" of American soldiers (group picture)
· Expert consultation on Russian tanks (group picture)
· Mekava -- the "Pioneer" in the Palestinian Israeli Conflict (Part 1) (Group Picture)
· LVTP5 -- Underwater Jiaolong (continued) (group diagram)
· Type 69 tank -- the first generation main battle tank developed by China (I)
· [Wulin rookie] The leader of the T-72 family - PT-91 (group pictures)
Weapon Catalog
Tanks owned by various countries and regions
Netizen comments
· Military situation observation: detailed explanation of the combat effectiveness of China's new modern army
· The flag of the sun falling in the ocean -- A story of the battle between the United States and Japan on Midway Island (photos)
· Netizen comment: Some people in the United States ranked our army as the top of the world's ten major armies (picture)
· Netizen comment: The first time I posted pictures, I took them myself, so I didn't smash them to death! (Figure)
· Netizen comment: select the most classic military film and TV dialogue
· Netizen comment: the last wish of an old mountain warrior (picture)
· Netizen comment: ZT (picture)
· Netizen comment: What's the role of tank skirt? (Figure)
· Netizen comment: the comparative analysis of the latest improved 99 type main battle tank of our army and the third generation main battle tank of the world

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