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Introduction to the world's three major air shows 11:56, June 16, 2001 Xinhua

Paris Air Show

The official name of Paris Air Show is "Paris Bourcher International Aerospace Exhibition", which is the largest and most famous international aerospace exhibition in the world. The Paris Air Show is organized by the French Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics Industries (previously known as the French Federation of Aeronautics and Astronautics Enterprises). It is held every two years in the early summer of odd years. The exhibition venue is located at Bourcher Airport in the northeast of Paris.

The first air show opened on September 25, 1909, and was held once a year thereafter. During the First and Second World Wars, the Paris air show was forced to be interrupted, but because the war promoted the rapid development of the aviation industry, the post-war air show quickly resumed. After the 6th Paris Air Show in 1919, it was changed to be held every two years. So far, the Paris Air Show has been held for 43 times, which is the world's oldest aerospace event.

farnborough air show

The full name of the biennial Farnborough Air Show in England is "Farnborough International Air and Space Show", which is the second largest air show in the world after the Paris Air Show in terms of scale and popularity. The organizer of the air show is the British Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Farnborough is a small town located in the southwest of London.

The earliest air show in Britain can be traced back to a series of activities called aviation "celebration" that began in 1920. People performed some flying performances in the celebration. In 1948, the air show was moved to Farnborough and held once a year thereafter. After 1962, the air show was changed to once every two years. The 1998 Farnborough Air Show was last held in the first week of the traditional September. Since this year, the date of the air show has been changed to July.

Singapore Airshow

Singapore Airshow is an Asian international aerospace exhibition organized by Asia Aerospace Exhibition Company and managed by Reed Exhibition Company. At the same time, it also holds "Asia Defense Technology Exhibition" and "Asia Airport Equipment and Technology Exhibition".

The first Singapore Air Show was held in Bayeliba, Singapore in 1981, and the second air show held in 1984 was moved to Changi Exhibition Center at the newly built Changi Airport. The subsequent Singapore Air Show was arranged around the Spring Festival in even numbered years, and had been successfully held for 10 times by 2000. After nearly 20 years of development, Singapore Air Show has become the third largest air show in the world after Paris Air Show and Farnborough Air Show. In 1988, the fourth air show began to add air show programs. (End)

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