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Moscow Air Show -- Introduction to Russia International Air and Space Exhibition 16:20, November 4, 2000

In August, Moscow has a pleasant climate, bright sunshine and green everywhere. Standing on a high place and looking down, the lower buildings are all hidden in the thick green shade, and the green is dotted with the golden or red and white church tower tops, which is very beautiful. On the street, beautiful Russian girls dressed up the city lively and colorful in fashionable dresses. In the suburbs of Moscow, the endless natural green land and large forests, the mirror like lakes embedded in the green land and the limpid rivers flowing beside the forests are simply a vivid landscape. In this season, if you drive from Moscow to the city of Rukovsky, which is known as the aviation city, the villas scattered on both sides of the road will catch your eye from time to time: small wooden houses in Russian style, flowers blooming in the courtyard surrounded by wooden fences, trees with fruits, and vegetable fields carefully tended by the owner, It forms a charming Russian pastoral scenery.

August is the golden season for Moscow tourism. Tourists from all over the world choose to visit here in this season. No wonder Russia's international air show is all opened in this green August.

So far, Russia has held four international air shows (excluding the "Moscow International General Aircraft Exhibition" held in the summer of 1995), which are: "Moscow Air Show - 92" (Моса modified рош оу - 92), "Air Show - 93" (А modified росалон - 93), "International Aerospace Exhibition - 95" (МАКС - 95 in Russian) and "International Aerospace Exhibition - 97".

The first international air show - "Moscow Air Show - 92"

In 1992, the second year after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia held an international air show called "Moscow Airshow - 92" in the city of Rukovsky near Moscow.

The city of Rukovsky is located about 40 kilometers southeast of Moscow. There are the largest aviation science research center in Russia, the Central Aeronautical Hydrodynamics Research Institute, and Gromov Flight Research Institute. In memory of the founder of Russian aviation, H E. Rukovsky, the Soviet government named this small city developed by aviation Rukovsky City. "Moscow Airshow - 92" was held at the huge test airport of Gromov Flight Research Institute. The flight research institute, which was closed under the strict confidentiality system in the past, was opened to the public for the first time for holding an air show, allowing visitors to enter. The visitors walked through the avenue with flying hero statues on both sides and the road marked with arrows to enter the test airport. This test airport has carried out national acceptance test flights for numerous military and civilian aircraft and modified aircraft newly developed by the Soviet Union. It is a place closely watched by the world aviation industry, and is also the focus of constant monitoring of western advanced reconnaissance technology and equipment. It was unimaginable in the Soviet era that this place could allow outsiders to enter.

This air show is jointly organized by various enterprises of the Russian aviation industry and the Design Bureau. At that time, the Soviet Union had just disintegrated, Russia was in trouble in the economic transition, and the aviation industry was the first to bear the brunt. Domestic orders for military and civilian aircraft suddenly declined, and production declined sharply. People of insight in the aviation industry believe that opening up the international market and seeking international cooperation is an important strategic direction for the survival and development of the Russian aviation industry, and holding an international air show is an effective means to strengthen foreign exchanges, so they planned this air show.

"Moscow Airshow - 92" was held from August 11 to 16. At that time, Russian Vice President Rutskoyi cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony. He said that this was Russia's "first international aerospace exhibition", which provided a good opportunity for the aviation industry of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States to strengthen ties with counterparts in the world and find partners in the development of new aerospace vehicles. When Russia implements major reforms, it is particularly important to develop foreign cooperation, and this air show will be recorded in Russian history. The Vice President's words expressed the purpose of holding the first international air show.

The first international air show lasted for 6 days. In addition to the Commonwealth of Independent States, 14 countries including the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Poland and the Czech Republic participated. The exhibition is divided into three parts: indoor booth exhibition, outdoor exhibition and flight show. The indoor exhibition consists of 36 newly built arched iron exhibition halls, with an effective exhibition area of about 6000 square meters. More than 200 manufacturers have set up booths here, of which about one fifth are from outside the Commonwealth of Independent States; The outdoor exhibition area is located on a wide runway, with more than 80 aircraft and helicopters lined up, extending more than 2000 meters, of which only 4 are from outside the Commonwealth of Independent States. According to Russian news media reports, many aircraft are on public display for the first time, including the MiG-31 two seater two engine all-weather interceptor put into use in 1980, the MiG-29K carrier based MiG-29 twin engine high mobility air control fighter, Tu-22 variable swept wing supersonic bomber, Tu-160 four variable swept wing strategic bomber, Yak-141 vertical takeoff and landing carrier based fighter, Bie-200 amphibious aircraft, A-50 air early warning command aircraft made of Il-76 long range heavy military transport aircraft equipped with air warning radar, and Tu-22M aircraft used as air test bed.

The air show is scheduled to be held on August 15 and 16. In fact, from the second day after the opening of the air show, there are wonderful performances in the air every day, including single plane stunts and multi plane formation flying shows. The performance of refueling three Su-27 fighter planes by Il-76 modified aerial tankers made the whole audience applaud. The frequency of air shows when planes take off is very high. On the 15th alone, there were more than 120 air shows. In the eyes of the audience, it is very easy for these pilots to fly a plane to perform. It is like a trip to the sky. The superb flying skills of Russian pilots can be seen.

The exhibition fully shows that Russia is eager to promote its own aviation technology and products and has a strong commodity awareness. In many aircraft introductions, it is stated that "design and improvement can be carried out according to user requirements", and some also indicate the address and name of the contact person. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the rapidly growing "sense of making money" on the Russian soil can be seen everywhere in the exhibition: if the sponsor stipulates that foreign journalists should pay 2000 dollars before they can go to the exhibition venue for video recording; Only by delivering 1000 rubles can we get a document introducing the exhibition; The brochures on the booth are not free. In addition, some exhibition halls also have booths selling Russian daily necessities, which have nothing to do with the theme of the exhibition. This situation is rare in international air shows held in other countries.

The former Soviet Union is a country that advocates aviation very much. The government attaches great importance to popularizing aviation education among young people and all the people. As early as January 23, 1927, the Soviet Union established the "All Soviet Volunteer Association for Land, Sea and Air Force Support". One of its responsibilities is to promote the knowledge of air force and aviation technology. All citizens over the age of 14 can become members of the association. The association has many aviation clubs all over the country, and carries out regular aviation sports and glider production competitions in the association. "Aviation" is a sacred word in the Soviet Union. Young people are proud to be pilots and aviation technical engineers. During the air show, many Russians, including the elderly and children, came to visit in groups like a holiday. Especially in the last two days, people poured into the exhibition site from 9 o'clock in the morning. Some watched the aircraft on the tarmac, some boarded the cabin of the passenger plane, and more people watched various flight performances on the lawn, From time to time, warm applause and cheers broke out, and the atmosphere was very warm. During the 6-day exhibition period, more than 100000 people visited the air show. Isn't the foundation of aviation development hidden in such a broad and mass aviation awareness!

Provided by netizen overlord fish

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