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Pregnancy complicated with acute glomerulonephritis

(Pregnancy with acute nephritis)

How to differentiate pregnancy with acute glomerulonephritis?

To introduce how to differentiate pregnancy with acute glomerulonephritis.

Pregnancy complicated with acute glomerulus nephritis differential diagnosis

This disease should be differentiated from the following diseases.

1. Others Glomerulonephritis The acute nephritis syndrome, whether primary or secondary glomerulonephritis, can induce its activity after upper respiratory tract infection. The symptoms of acute nephritis syndrome should be related to Streptococcal infection Differential diagnosis of glomerulonephritis. Glomerulonephritis after non streptococcal infection, including post infection endocarditis , Shunt nephritis septicemia pneumonia Coccal pneumonia Typhoid fever Phase II Syphilis meningitis The Ball Bacteremia , virus and parasite Post infectious glomerulonephritis. Secondary diseases include multi system diseases: systemic Lupus erythematosus Vasculitis allergic purpura Etc. Non primary glomerular diseases characterized by acute nephritis syndrome mainly include thrombotic diseases Thrombocytopenic purpura hemolysis Sexual uremic syndrome Arteriosclerosis Embolic nephropathy And acute allergy nature Interstitial nephritis Secondary patients often have other system symptoms, and renal biopsy can be done when there is difficulty, which may be helpful for diagnosis.

  2. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis Rapid Progressive Glomerulonephritis Acute glomerulonephritis Similar, however, the treatment and prognosis are different, so people with severe symptoms and rapidly worsening conditions should be highly vigilant, and renal biopsy should be done when necessary to make a clear diagnosis.

3. Glomerulonephritis after a few streptococcal infections Nephrotic syndrome It should be differentiated from other nephrotic syndromes.