In spring, peach blossoms and rape blossoms in full bloom in "Japan's No.1 Taoyuan Township" add radiance to each other

15:55, April 11, 2022 Source: People's Daily Online - Japan Channel

Peach flowers and rape flowers open at the same time, and tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery in the sea of flowers. (Image source: Asahi Shimbun website)

People's Daily Online, Tokyo, April 11 (Xinhua) According to Asahi Shimbun, with the arrival of spring, the Yamanashi Dikawa City, known as "the largest peach production in Japan", ushered in the peach blossom season, with pink flowers blooming all over the branches. There are also many golden rape flowers blooming in the wild, which add radiance to each other and attract many tourists to visit and enjoy the flowers.

According to the introduction of the tourist business and engineering personnel in Dichui City, Yamanashi County, about 250000 peach trees have been planted in Dichui City, and various publicity has been carried out in the name of "Japan's First Taoyuan Township". Recently, the local weather has been sunny, and the flowering time of peach blossoms is basically the same as that of previous years. (Compiled by: Xu Wenjin Reviewed by: Chen Jianjun)

(Editor in charge: Xu Wenjin, Sun Lu)