"OneAsia Asia 2022" held in Tokyo to promote cultural exchanges between China and Japan

14:20, April 11, 2022 Source: People's Daily Online - Japan Channel

People's Daily Online, Tokyo, April 11 (Wu Ying) In order to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the normalization of China Japan relations and promote cultural exchanges between China and Japan, the "OneAsia Asia Festival 2022" and China Japan Cultural Exchange Festival were held in Dufeng Island District, Tokyo, from April 9 to 10. Former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda, former Japanese Ambassador to China Xionger Miyamoto, President of the Chinese Enterprise Association in Japan Wang Jiaxun, Director of the Chinese Culture Center in Tokyo Luo Yuquan, General Representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Japan Ju Wenyong and other Chinese and Japanese people from all walks of life attended the opening ceremony.

"OneAsia Asian Festival 2022" and Sino Japanese Cultural Exchange Festival were held in Toyoda District, Tokyo from April 9 to 10. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

On April 9, former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda delivered an opening speech. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

On April 9, Wang Jiaxun, President of China Enterprise Association in Japan, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

"OneAsia Asian Festival 2022" and Sino Japanese Cultural Exchange Festival were held in Toyoda District, Tokyo from April 9 to 10. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

In his speech at the opening ceremony, Yasuo Fukuda said that this year is the 50th anniversary of the normalization of Japan China diplomatic relations. He hoped that through the Japan China Cultural Exchange Festival, the youth of the two countries could deepen mutual understanding and contribute to Japan China friendship. In his speech, Wang Jiaxun said that in Japan, the Chinese Enterprise Association actively assumes social responsibility, donates various relief materials to disaster areas suffering from natural disasters, and solves the urgent needs of the local government and people. The Chinese and Japanese youth are carrying the mission of China Japan friendship in the future. They look forward to contributing to the bright future of China Japan and the world, and building a better bridge for the friendly exchanges between China and Japan.

On April 9, Wang Jiaxun (left), president of the China Enterprise Association in Japan, and Ju Wenyong (right), general representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Japan, participated in the activities of the day in front of the exhibition stand of the Association. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

On April 9, Luo Yuquan (right), director of the Chinese Culture Center in Tokyo, and the staff of the Cultural Center were at the Chinese Culture Booth. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

The activity kicked off with a Chinese song sung by the youth exchange ambassador Qiaoma Igawa, and the enthusiasm of the audience instantly ignited. At the event, Chinese and Japanese artists performed wonderful programs on the stage, meeting friends with songs and conveying feelings with dances, demonstrating the colorful excellent folk culture and profound friendship between China and Japan. Chinese and Japanese teenagers also demonstrated their talents such as erhu, ethnic dance, acrobatics and face changing, which gave the audience a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. A Chinese culture booth was also set up on the site to display Chinese traditional culture and art, which attracted many Japanese people to stop and enjoy.

"OneAsia Asian Festival 2022" and Sino Japanese Cultural Exchange Festival were held in Toyoda District, Tokyo from April 9 to 10. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

"OneAsia Asian Festival 2022" and Sino Japanese Cultural Exchange Festival were held in Toyoda District, Tokyo from April 9 to 10. (Photographed by Wu Ying)

It is reported that this activity was hosted by the Executive Committee of OneAsia Asia Festival, and the Chinese Embassy in Japan, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Chinese Cultural Center, the government of Toyoda District, and the general consortium, the Japan Asia Community Cultural Cooperation Agency, participated as backup.  

(Editor in charge: Xu Wenjin, Sun Lu)