
1. Reservation login mode (manual Q/WeChat) It needs to be consistent with the final game login mode , Please select the correct login method to avoid affecting the distribution of your reservation gift package.

2. Please fill in the application mobile number information correctly to avoid affecting your qualification opening.

3. QQ users can log in and make an appointment directly on this page. WeChat users should scan the code to participate in activities on the mobile end.

Vote for the largest sect in the Jianghu

  • Emei

    The world knows that Thousand Hand Avalokitesvara is merciful, but it does not know that Bodhisattva can cross the world but not himself, just as the Buddha's light of Jinding illuminates Mount Emei, but it can not dispel the haze of chaos. Even if you have the ability to bring the dead back to life, you can't resist being dangerous and hating disputes. On the one hand is the honor of noble and decent families, and on the other hand is the family friend who is dependent on each other. How to decide whether to fight or not?



  • a group of beggars

    During the Northern Song Dynasty, the first sect in the Wulin in the Central Plains, the branches of the Beggars' Sect spread all over the country, with hundreds of thousands of disciples. The heroes in the Central Plains followed the leader of the Beggars' Sect. What a beautiful scene? Who would have thought that a conspiracy thirty years ago destroyed not only a Qiao Feng, but also the Beggars' Sect today. Bai Shijing, that's just a villain, Zhuang Juxian, that's just a puppet. In the face of the declining reputation of the sect, the Central Plains Wulin, which is riddled with holes, how will the world's best gang reappear the glory of the past?



  • Tianshan Mountain

    People praise the current leader of Tianshan Mountain, Xu Zhuzi, for his mercy, but they often forget the past of Lingjiu Palace. Today, they are still the owners of 36 holes and 72 islands. In their hands, they still control the symbol of life and death that everyone turns pale when they hear it. Behind them is the power of the whole Western Xia Dynasty. The child grandmother is no longer there, but there is a new legend in Tianshan.



  • Carefree

    The heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are the dogs. The world of mortals is carefree and life is short. Wouldn't it be laughable to be entangled in worldly affairs for a lifetime? Then there was Mr. Cong Bian's indifference to the world, and there was Mr. Han Gu's eight friends' frankness and romance. However, time changes, how many people can be truly free and easy in troubled times? Lingbo Cave under the virtual bamboo seat is no longer a paradise in the past.



Activity description:

1. You need to make an appointment before voting. The appointment gift package will be distributed to the game mailbox of the corresponding account of the participating activity after the game test.

2. Appointment gift package activity Each user can only participate once.

3. The final interpretation right of this activity belongs to Tencent Game Channel.

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