IP address online calculator IP mask calculation tool Network subnet mask calculation method decimal to binary _ Zhang Zhenran Personal Blog Tool_Sfqn.com

IP address calculation tool

Support whois information query such as ipv4, v6, country domain name, and non mainstream domain name

IP computing tools are Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog The second time is to make and tidy up, remove the superfluous and restore the classic. If you need to use other functions, please use Address of the first version perhaps Address of the second version

Please go to Zhang Ziran's personal blog message book Message exchange Ipjs=ip computing. It also supports https access, Https IP computing website: https://ipjs.zhangziran.com

Number of IP required Mask Address Translator

Number of addresses required:
Calculation result:
Mask bit (cidr):/
Subnet mask:
Number of addresses available:
  • Network and IP address calculator

    Display the network, broadcast, first and last given network address:
    IP/mask bit:


    Processing results:
    Available addresses:
    First available:
    Last available:
    radio broadcast:
    In the netmask "bit format" is also called CIDR Format (CIDR=Classless Inter Domain Routing).
  • IP address and network converter

    Subnet mask converter (bitwise decimal format)


  • Number of mask conversions to network available addresses

    Mask bit (cidr):/
    Calculation result:
    Number of available addresses: Total addresses:
    Dotted decimal format:
    IP multicast address range
    All multicast addresses can be easily recognized because the peer mode "1110" starts. - Well known multicast address, control channel - Worldwide (Internet Wide) Multicast Addresses - Local multicast address
  • Calculate a bit to fill an IP address

    Reverse calculation of broadcast address in this network segment
    Subnet mask:
    Broadcast address: