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Take the lead and run at full speed! Wucheng Holds the First Meeting of the Leading Group for Modern Community Construction

Recently, Wucheng held the first meeting of the leading group for modern community construction. Gao Feng, the secretary of the District Party Committee and the leader of the leading group for modern community construction, stressed that we should consciously follow the deployment requirements of the provincial and municipal Party committees, further improve our standing, accurately grasp the importance of modern community construction, highlight the leadership of party building, give play to organizational advantages, and take the lead in making efforts to compete at full speed, Achievements will be made quickly on the runway of modern community construction to create a landmark achievement of happy community construction.

District leaders Hu Xiaorong and He Junjie attended.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of the first meeting of the provincial and municipal leading group for modern community construction, listened to the report on the preliminary work and drafting of relevant documents, and studied and reviewed relevant documents for modern community construction.

The peak pointed out that in the context of modernization of governance and normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the importance of strengthening grass-roots governance is more prominent. At present, the construction of urban and rural modern communities in Wucheng has entered a substantial stage of advancement. The whole district should deeply understand that the construction of modern communities is related to the ruling foundation of the Party, the basic unit of common prosperity and modernization, social construction and grassroots governance, risk removal and security, and risk prevention. Modern community construction should be taken as an important starting point to strengthen party building and improve grassroots governance, Promote implementation with a higher position and greater efforts.

Gao Feng stressed that we should speed up the pace of party building leading the smart governance of the grid. Optimize grid settings as soon as possible, reasonably determine grid management range, and form a governance system of "village (community) - grid - micro grid (corridor, building)"; We should focus on aggregating grid forces. Each grid should be equipped with grid governance forces in accordance with the "1+3+N" model, and grid party organizations should be established simultaneously; We need to improve the grid governance guarantee mechanism, establish a "dual inclusion" mechanism, constantly enhance the grid's ability to accept the "141" system, and strengthen the minimum governance unit and combat unit.

We should steadily promote the allocation of full-time social workers. The first batch of social worker recruitment should be completed with high quality, and the social worker force should be selected with high quality and efficiency; It is necessary to further strengthen the incentive and guarantee measures to further enhance the job attraction and team stability.

We should accelerate the integrated reform of strengthening villages and enriching people. Accelerate the development of village collective economy, strengthen the planning of new enclave group projects, and give full play to the radiation and driving effect of industrial projects; It is necessary to promote the construction of future villages in an innovative way, clarify the ideas, goals and measures for the creation of future villages, constantly improve the rural landscape, and promote the sharing of beautiful villages and beautiful economy; We should comprehensively promote the construction of clean villages, implement the "Five Ones" working mechanism of village level supervision, and improve Party members and cadres to establish rules and create excellence, and strengthen the regulation of rural public power.

We should further accelerate the reform of the integration of strengthening the community and benefiting the people. Promote the upgrading of service facilities, focus on "one old and one small", improve and transform neighborhood centers, elderly care, medical care, childcare and other facilities, and complement the weak points of community public services; We should promote the quality and expansion of future communities, accelerate the construction of future communities in Liuhu Garden, and create more "urban units"; It is necessary to carry out the "zero clearing action of non property management community", comprehensively find out the bottom line, file and register cards, and improve the standardized management level of non property management community.

It is necessary to carry out security work in a safe and orderly manner. Deeply promote the special action of "big investigation, big beginning and big rectification", do a good job of community epidemic prevention and control regularly, speed up the establishment of "epidemic free community" and "epidemic free unit", weave a dense network of flood prevention and typhoon prevention and production safety prevention and control, and effectively ensure the safety and stability of the community.

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