Xsolla Aiksola Chen Jingbo: This year's Chinese games have a big presence!

2023-08-26 23:05:22 Source: Internet sorting

Aikesola attended ChinaJoy 2023, and Chen Jingbo, the person in charge of Greater China, made a speech and received media interviews, and shared the development trend of the global game industry in 2023 with the domestic game market. Chen Jingbo's shared views can be summed up in two sentences. The first sentence is that China's games have become very popular. The second sentence is: Aiksola's professional services escort Chinese games to the sea and create a greater momentum.

In fact, there should be a third sentence: after two years of valiant hard work, Chen Jingbo's own aura is growing. He created Xsolla Aiksola Greater China, and created a "trump team" from scratch. His annual performance has doubled and won the second place in Aiksola's six major regions in the world, which is really dazzling.

(Data map)


The aura is not born, but the result of years of baptism and inner cultivation.

"I have participated in the first ChinaJoy. Over the years, my biggest feeling is that many Chinese game manufacturers have become the leading players in the global game industry. Both the technology of making games and the content of the game itself have been polished to a new height, and we can proudly show our domestic works to global players and get recognition." Chen Jingbo said.

Taking Tencent as an example, the latest performance report of the first quarter of 2023 released by Tencent shows that its revenue in the first quarter was 149.986 billion yuan, an increase of 11% year on year, and the game has a brilliant performance.

"When chatting with local people, they are proud of Tencent's acquisition of a new studio here. In their eyes, Tencent is an incomparable big company, which is a great aura," Chen Jingbo said.

In addition to giants like Tencent Games, Chen Jingbo revealed that some small and medium-sized game companies are also participating in the creation of a sea party. "Some companies that are unknown to the outside world can easily achieve a monthly income of tens of millions of dollars on our platform, which is real money. Our work has not only designed the implementation path for everyone, but also helped Chinese developers improve their performance overseas, which I feel very proud of." Chen Jingbo said.

"Xsolla has been working for 18 years, but the Greater China Office has only been established for two years, and the results are very good, because we help game travelers to expand their territory while collecting orders overseas. Objectively speaking, Chinese game travelers have made great achievements overseas in the past two years, taking advantage of our steady and growing presence in Greater China“


The more you conform to the laws of nature, the greater the aura.

In November 2022, the European Parliament passed 38 new policies in the resolution on the development of the video game industry, and formulated the long-term development of enterprises. The United States, Saudi Arabia, Australia and other countries have also increased their support for their own game industry, creating a global prosperity for a number of foreign game companies.

In 2023, China also showed strong support for the game launch. The state supports high-quality games going to sea through various policies, encourages enterprises to tell Chinese stories, spread Chinese culture, and improve their competitiveness in the international market.

In Chen Jingbo's opinion, the game industry and film industry have developed in the past eight years and nine years. This industry is a digital economy. Its development will only accelerate, and no one will block its development.

On the one hand, Xsolla follows the Chinese sailors. On the other hand, Xsolla Aiksola is also involved in building a grand arena for Chinese games to go to sea, to escort Chinese games to sea.

If Chinese games want to go to sea, they must adapt to this complex multi-channel payment environment. Chen Jingbo said that going to sea is not just to buy a ticket, but to different countries and regions, there are different laws, and whether the game content is compliant is a problem that game companies need to solve. Aikesola can help customers provide the most comprehensive tax treatment services and consulting services, so that game companies can focus more on the issue and operation.

In terms of business model, Axola is not a traditional third-party payment service company, but a partner that can help game manufacturers develop new businesses and markets overseas. In addition to providing customers with the highest quality payment services, Aiksola also provides complete legal and tax services, with a business scope covering the world. This is because customers as game manufacturers need high reliability and highly integrated one-stop service; Multi source payment solutions across devices, terminals and media are required; The depth data measurement under scientific modeling is required; It is more necessary to take necessary protective measures in anti fraud.

At this exhibition, Chen Jingbo mentioned a Merchant of Record (MoR) model for the first time. As a three-party aggregation payment company, Aiksola integrates payment channels into a platform, and sells digital goods and games worldwide with the Merchant of Record (MoR) business authorization model. In dealing with tax, compliance and other issues, Axola has a strong compliance team to help partners, ensure that the payment process is correct, and ensure that the funding system "can also prevent its occurrence from the root, especially by recording bad behavior and limiting consumption, and will analyze consumption behavior based on past experience to ensure that developers can get more income. When encountering a controversial case, except that the user can't refund the credit card beyond the legal limit, Xsolla Axora will conduct refund in other ways. Xsolla Axora will communicate more carefully with the issuer in the future to limit the bad debt rate to the minimum.


People with strong momentum are more pragmatic.

Chen Jingbo himself is a low-key and pragmatic "God selected professional", and his aura has begun to be obscured.

Xsolla's business in Greater China really started from a coffee shop with a bag on his back. At that time, he didn't even have an office. Chen Jingbo bravely started this journey.

Chen Jingbo said: "Today, I am 55. As an ordinary team with many people, I have become the best brand in the industry“

Before entering Xsolla Aiksola, in 2012, Chen Jingbo was sent back to Shanghai from Silicon Valley to establish Visual Concepts (2KPorts China) China by 2K, a world-famous American AAA game company, Take Two, to be responsible for the development of sports games such as NBA 2K. Previously, he served as the new business general manager of OutSpark, an old online game distribution company in the United States. Earlier, he was the founder and deputy general manager of SOHU Changyou North America. He has accumulated rich experience in transnational game development and operation in North America..

In other words, Chen Jingbo came all the way as a general. However, after joining Xsolla Aiksola in the past two years, he chose to start from the bottom, signing orders and doing business to improve the influence of the industry with business; Start from scratch, prepare the team and sign the order to build the team, so as to develop business in Greater China for Xsolla Axola.

By the end of 2022, a professional team will be basically formed, and the number of contracted projects and customers in the whole Greater China region will be close to 1/3 of the whole company. In 2022, Chen Jingbo led his team to win the honor of Xsolla top performer!

"The performance in Greater China is very outstanding. We did things that others could not do for many years in two years, which shows that Xsolla has helped Chinese customers get more income, and we reflect the success of China's industry." Chen Jingbo said.

The official media once published an article, "Guide the game industry into the right path of healthy development in a standardized way, focus on promoting its industrial upgrading and product model to go abroad, and then give better play to the value of games in boosting the digital economy and more industries." In 2023, China's game market has been very strong, and I believe many manufacturers will be confident, Seize the opportunity to promote industrial upgrading and product model to go to sea, and achieve unprecedented success under the escort of professional companies like Axola!

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.


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