The "Pearl beyond the Great Wall" has been "polished" by the comprehensive environmental management in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia

2023-09-12 10:21:55 Source: CCTV

The 2023 publicity activity of China Environmental Protection Century Tour was recently launched in Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia. The reporter saw in the local area that with the comprehensive ecological management, the water quality here has improved, the coverage of forest and grass in the sand area has increased, and the agricultural production has become more efficient.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

This activity focused on the research on the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification in Inner Mongolia, the construction of key ecological projects such as "three north", grassland protection, and the implementation of the Yellow River Protection Law. In Wuliangsuhai, the reporter saw a beautiful natural scenery with swaying green reeds and flying birds. However, in May 2008, a large area of "yellow moss" broke out in the Wuliangsuhai Lake area, and the water quality was rated as poor V. The serious degradation of the ecological function of Wuliangsuhai Lake has aroused the concern of the whole society. In recent years, in order to "polish" this "pearl beyond the Great Wall", the local government has taken a number of measures to promote comprehensive governance.

With the continuous promotion of comprehensive management of Wuliangsuhai Lake in recent years, the ecological environment of the basin continues to improve, the water quality in the lake area has increased from inferior to Class V to overall Class V, the water quality in the section of the lake center has reached Class IV, and the biodiversity has continued to recover, and the management work has achieved phased results.

Mix and match planting+Beidou navigation agricultural production with high quality and efficiency

Modern agricultural demonstration park is an important means to promote rural revitalization. This China Environmental Protection Century Tour also visited the modern agricultural demonstration park on the south bank of Wuliangsuhai. Advanced agricultural mechanization equipment and digital system make agricultural production not only high-quality but also efficient.

In the agricultural demonstration park, the person in charge told the reporter that this year the park innovated farming methods, implemented interplanting, promoted spring wheat interplanting with pepper, sunflower interplanting with pepper and other methods to farmers and herdsmen, and realized a win-win situation of ensuring food planting and increasing farmers and herdsmen's income.

In addition to intercropping to increase income, the demonstration park also uses the Beidou satellite navigation automatic farming system, which is not only efficient, but also does not have the phenomenon of repeated planting and missed planting in the past. It can save seeds and ensure the quality and quantity of planting.

Accelerate the improvement of desertification under the new model of "harnessing desertification by light"

Dengkou County in Inner Mongolia covers an area of 3677 square kilometers, including 2840 square kilometers of Ulan Buhe Desert, accounting for 77%. The China Environmental Protection Century Tour also visited the desert control achievements there.

Data shows that since the founding of New China, Dengkou County has managed 2.1 million mu of desert, increased the coverage of forest and grass in sand area from 0.04% to 37.2%, managed 450000 mu of severely desertified land, reduced 78%, and reduced the annual sediment transport to the Yellow River to 3.7 million tons, reduced 94.7%. The desert management has shown a good trend of "overall improvement and acceleration of improvement", thus forming a "Dengkou Mode" for sand prevention and control

The reporter learned that in recent years, Dengkou County has expanded the new path of sand prevention and control, used the rich solar energy resources in Ulanbuh Desert, implemented the "photovoltaic+ecological governance" project, and opened a new model of "light control". In the project area, the reporter saw that a space was reserved between photovoltaic panels to plant drought resistant and water-saving desert shrubs, cistanche deserticola and other Chinese medicinal materials with industrial advantages, so as to realize power generation on the panel and planting under the panel, providing greater space for the development of forest, grass and sand industry.

It is understood that the new model of "photovoltaic+ecological governance" will enable Dengkou County to complete the task of desert governance of 1.68 million mu by 2030, achieve full coverage of desertification control in the county, and achieve forest and grass coverage of more than 50% in the county.


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