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  • Fan Bingbing successfully won the Asian Film Award

    Sina Entertainment News (Hong Kong News on March 21, 2017) The 11th Asian Film Awards ended in Hong Kong. "I'm not Pan Jinlian" won three awards, including best film and best photography. Fan Bingbing won the best woman with this film

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Articles with more than 4 graphs in the test article
eight  A courier A courier 2018-11-08

Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. Here is the text part. This is the text section

 Figure 1 of the article with more than 4 graphs in the test article  Article with more than 4 graphs in the test article Figure 2  Article with more than 4 graphs in the test article Figure 3
Test a text recently released on November 1, 2017

Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it, Here is the test text, no need to see it, here is the test text, no need to see it, here is the test text, no need to see it

five  A courier A courier 2018-11-01
Test a text recently released on July 30, 2017
 Test a text recently released on July 30, 2017 Test column

Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text. There is no need to see it. Here is the test text

two  A courier A courier 2018-07-30
The 52 year old grandmother's figure is comparable to a girl's, which is the secret for her to stay away from menopause
 The 52 year old grandmother's figure is comparable to a girl's, which is the secret for her to stay away from menopause News column

There is a 52 year old woman who has become a grandmother in Hangzhou. She has kept fit five times a week for four years, and now her body is not as soft as the average young girl! Since she was exposed to body-building for 4 years, she has never experienced serious or minor illnesses, and even the menopause phenomenon that every woman will encounter when she is in her forties or fifties has not occurred to her. She thinks that in her opinion, the attitude is the most important thing in life! People of her age in her life may choose to go to the square

twelve  A courier A courier 2018-07-29
What should I do if my finger is stuck by 502? Don't worry, the method is actually so simple
 What should I do if my finger is stuck by 502? Don't worry, the method is actually so simple News column

Let's talk about it today. Many people like to use 502 in our daily life. This 502 belongs to super glue. It is very convenient for us to stick some small things in our daily life. But sometimes I accidentally stick it to my finger. Or it is very difficult for children to remove their fingers when they play with them. So how can we quickly separate our fingers if we are stuck by 502? Next, let's follow Brother Smart Move to have a look. First, we drop a drop of 5

two  A courier A courier 2018-07-29
Too much money=good movie? "Ashura" and "Episode 2" were withdrawn from the screen and closed. Who was hit in the face?
 Too much money=good movie? "Ashura" and "Episode 2" were withdrawn from the screen and closed. Who was hit in the face? News column

It's not like spending money to create a visual feast. Both "Ashura" and "The Trace of the Magician" in the early two years were ambitious to create a Chinese version of fantasy blockbuster, but ultimately they just let the audience dance between "The Game of Power", "The Lord of the Rings" and "Avatar". In clockwise order, the pictures are in the following order: Jueji, Game of Power, Avatar, Lord of the Rings. It's not a lot of money. It must be a good movie; If you don't invite the Hollywood team, it must be a visual feast. Invest in

three  A courier A courier 2018-07-29
One hour electricity charge of 800 yuan for a hundred meter waterfall from a high-rise building?
 One hour electricity charge of 800 yuan for a hundred meter waterfall from a high-rise building? News column

In recent days, a video of a high-rise waterfall became popular overnight on the Internet, causing many netizens to watch. This creative urban landscape is located in Liebian Square, Guanshanhu District, Guiyang City. The building is 121 meters high, and the design height of the waterfall is 108 meters. The hundred meter waterfall pours down, which is very shocking and attracts many passers-by to stop and watch. Guiyang citizen: "It's very novel. It's very comfortable to do this in hot weather. It's still very eye-catching." Surprised, one

two  A courier A courier 2018-07-29
China Successfully Launches the 33rd and 34th Beidou Navigation Satellites
 China Successfully Launches the 33rd and 34th Beidou Navigation Satellites News column

At 9:48 on July 29, 2018, China successfully launched the 33rd and 34th Beidou navigation satellites with the Long March 3B carrier rocket (and the upper stage of the Expedition 1) in the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the way of "one rocket and two satellites". These two satellites belong to the mid circle earth orbit satellites and are the ninth and tenth networking satellites of the Beidou-3 system in China. After more than 3 hours of flight, the satellite entered the working orbit after orbit control and phase acquisition. Integration test will be carried out later

two  A courier A courier 2018-07-29
The US Department of Justice investigates Huawei
 The US Department of Justice investigates Huawei Test column

On April 25, the Wall Street Journal quoted insiders as saying that the US Department of Justice was investigating whether Huawei violated the US sanctions against Iran. Reuters reported that federal prosecutors in New York have conducted similar investigations on Huawei since at least last year. At present, it is not clear to the outside world how far the investigation of the US Ministry of Justice has progressed, or what specific allegations the federal agents have made against Huawei. A Huawei spokesman also declined to comment. Daily Economic News (WeChat: nbd

four  A courier A courier 2018-04-26
Ma Yun starts to fight back against Wal Mart
 Ma Yun starts to fight back against Wal Mart Test column

Some time ago, the news of Wal Mart suspending the use of Alipay in some parts of China was very popular, as was Meituan. Although Wal Mart officials later responded that it was a business choice and there was no question of standing in line, Alipay officials never responded positively to this matter. "You don't use my Alipay? It doesn't matter. I'll open my own shop to use Alipay.". Try not to bother others if you can solve problems by yourself. Alibaba's first shopping center will be located in Xixi, Hangzhou

two  A courier A courier 2018-04-26
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