Multi line host

Multi line virtual machine with the best speed and formal filing; Please read the User Agreement carefully before purchasing and make sure that you will not create websites that we do not allow( Click to view )。

type capacity Monthly flow data base Primary domain name Subdomain Annual price
Virtual machine 5000M 70G 5 1 5 880 yuan purchase
AliCloud virtual host 1000M 20G 3 1 2 400 yuan purchase
Enterprise dedicated multi line host 2000M 30G 1 1 1 650 yuan purchase
Space upgrade fee - capacity: 8 yuan/100M, traffic: 0.5 yuan/G/month

1. Each virtual machine is limited to 5 users.

2. Formal filing, free of charge, and assistance in the whole process.

3. After purchase, technical problems are submitted in Wopus, and refunds are not supported.

4, The virtual machine can also be sold independently. If necessary, please consult online Click Consultation

Any questions? Contact us for online consultation , to serve you wholeheartedly. Or consult QQ customer service:

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