Required Classics for Grade 7

Collection Bibliography: Childhood The Biography of Madame Curie 》、 Education of Love Watching See The Seventh Day Collection of Lin Qingxuan's Proses The Analects of Confucius Kite Runner The Story of the Sahara China on the Tip of the Tongue - Famous Cultural Experts Talk about Famous Food Listen to Jimmy Singing Meeting Some People, Tearing Midnight Gate "Legend of Carving Heroes" "Life is as Beautiful as Summer Flowers" Niuniu Remote Village Haizi's Poetry Notre Dame de Paris

Development (Oxford General Reader)

This book is not long, but it covers important aspects of the development of developing countries. While focusing on the development thoughts of various schools since the establishment of development economics, the author also expounds the development thoughts after the world enters a new stage of development. Although the author mainly talks about the development of developing countries in the low-income stage, there are many exquisite ideas that can be used for reference by China in the upper middle-income stage.