Enquiring knowledgeable people Inquisitive education Hospital Treasury
Grade of TA three fifty-six thousand seven hundred and fifteen
Medal awarded:  six hundred and two thousand and one hundred  one hundred and one thousand and forty  twenty-two thousand four hundred and twenty  eleven thousand four hundred and forty  nine thousand and nine hundred  four thousand eight hundred and forty  four thousand and three hundred  four thousand and two hundred  three thousand  two thousand and two hundred  two thousand and twenty  one thousand seven hundred and twenty
Is there any side effect of myopia surgery in Qinghai Aier Ophthalmology Department

Full femtosecond SMILE surgery is better. It uses femtosecond laser to scan twice at different depths in the corneal stroma to make a thin lens matching the degree of myopia, and makes a micro incision of about 2mm to 4mm at the edge of the lens, separates the thin lens and takes it out from the micro incision, to achieve
4 Answer Questioner: G*** Ophthalmology Department
Kunming urogenital hospital treatment effect? Kunming urogenital hospital is good?

Kunming urogenital hospital treatment effect? Kunming urogenital hospital is good?
2 Answer Questioner: Feng*** Urology Surgery
How about the quality of myopia surgery in Guyuan?

Compared with the operation time of less than ten minutes, the preoperative examination for myopia surgery is particularly "long": corneal thickness, corneal curvature, fundus intraocular pressure, understanding of medical history, corneal topography and other relevant examinations. However, about 20 items of inspection are not redundant. Each item has its own special significance
4 Answer Questioner: Wang*** Ophthalmology Department
Qinghai Aier Eye Hospital has little risk of treating dry eye

Dry eye disease needs to be alleviated by corresponding medical treatment according to the cause of the disease. If it is caused by environmental factors, such as watching electronic products for a long time, or often in a dry and windy workplace. For the sudden dryness and fatigue of the eyes, it is recommended to use artificial tear eye drops to relieve the eyes
4 Answer Questioner: p*** Ophthalmology Department
What is the customer service phone number of Yunshengbao pos who failed to pay by swiping the card?

The machine of Yunshengbao should not belong to the machine of Yinsheng Payment. If you have machine problems, find someone to handle them for you. However, many machine operators work part-time, and no one handles problems at all. You can call 4008067358. If there is a manual answer, just ask directly about the machine problems.
3 Answer Questioner: S*** banking business
What Ningxia needs to know to cure floaters

Ophthalmologist said: "Mosquito disease is generally a natural physiological phenomenon caused by the aging of the vitreous body. It refers to that there are small floating shadows, or dots, or sheets, or strings, floating objects in front of you, like flies and mosquitoes. It is more obvious when you look at a bright white background, sometimes accompanied by a flash."
4 Answer Questioner: 1*** Industrial information
What is the price trend of Ganoderma lucidum in the future? What factors may affect the price change?

The price trend of Ganoderma lucidum in the future may be affected by many factors. With the improvement of health awareness and the expansion of the Chinese medicine market, the demand for Ganoderma lucidum is expected to increase, which may push up prices. However, technological progress and large-scale planting may reduce costs, thereby curbing price increases. In addition, the international market is sensitive to
3 Answer Questioner: Harmful*** Business/wealth management
Which specialty is customized by Shenzhen smilehero retainer manufacturer?

Smilehero soft invisible orthodontic appliance is suitable for friends who need dental correction, and the same product that can prevent rebound after the appliance has been properly corrected. Many users in the market have verified that the effect is good. The advantages of this appliance are 1. Invisible and beautiful: transparent material, almost imperceptible when wearing, does not affect the smile
1 Answer Questioner: A*** Industrial information
Could you send your children to rebel school?

I think it's his fault not to send it. There's still a chance to send it
1 Answer Questioner: m*** College information
Does Ningxia treat amblyopia at risk?

A practical method to treat amblyopia You may often see some children wearing glasses that cover one lens. This is actually a diagnosis and treatment method for amblyopia: covering therapy. Covering therapy is a practical and effective method for the diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia. It is a simple, economical and effective way to treat children's amblyopia
4 Answer Questioner: Xing*** Vacation tourism