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Questions and answers about the left dura

  • Q: Newborn intracranial left dural hemorrhage 6 ml serious?

    Answer: Intracranial hemorrhage of newborn is a common serious disease of newborn, which is caused by birth injury and hypoxia, and is also one of the main causes of perinatal death. We should pay high attention to it, actively seek medical advice, and strive for better recovery.

    pediatrics 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What are left occipital subdural hemorrhage and left temporal subdural hematoma examined by CT?

    Answer: A recent history of trauma is acute subdural hematoma. If the amount of bleeding is small, there is no progressive deterioration of consciousness, the thickness of hematoma is less than 10 mm, and the midline displacement is less than 5 mm, the acute subdural hematoma can be temporarily treated non operatively. If it is chronic or hematomegaly, surgery is generally required.

    gynaecology 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What sequelae does the left frontal epidural hemorrhage have?

    Answer: Guidance: What you said should be treated in combination with clinical symptoms and bleeding volume

    gynaecology 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What about left frontal subdural effusion?

    Answer: It's better to go to a regular large hospital for treatment and actively cooperate with the treatment

    Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How does the whole body itch after the operation of left subdural hematoma return?

    Answer: Considering dermatitis, you can take Sismin. In addition, you should pay attention to strengthening your own immunity. To supplement vitamin C, you should first pay attention to diet, eat less spicy and greasy food, and then keep your stool smooth and good mental state. Try not to wear chemical fiber underwear, fur products.

    Answer: The incidence of chronic subdural hematoma is 1-2/100000 people every year. Most patients are over 50 years old. One in 4-1/2 patients has no clear history of trauma, while patients with a history of injury usually have an onset time of 1-3 months, some even longer Chronic subdural hematoma is caused by a small amount of continuous hemorrhage in the subdural cavity Once the diagnosis of chronic subdural hematoma is clear, timely operation is needed. The curative effect is satisfactory. The operation can be carried out as appropriate

    internal medicine 1 answer recommend

  • Q: A small amount of subdural effusion at the left forehead top?

    Answer: It is recommended that you go to the hospital for a CT scan to check the brain parenchyma, ventricular system, midline structure, etc., and then treat symptomatically

    Brain surgery 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Can children's left subdural effusion compress the brain and be absorbed?

    Answer: Some can be absorbed, which depends on the individual state of the baby. Many babies will have this situation. Baoma should be relieved and keep a good mood, which is conducive to the recovery of the baby

    Internal Medicine-Cardiovascular Department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What should I do? Left frontotemporal parietal lobe subdural effusion?

    Answer: Most subdural effusion is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the subdural cavity caused by trauma, which can be divided into acute and chronic. Chronic effusion is more common. If there are no symptoms and the amount is relatively small, it can be treated conservatively, with nutrition nerve, cerebrovascular dilators and other treatments. If there are symptoms and the amount is relatively large, it needs surgery

    Brain surgery 2 answers

  • Q: How does lumbar vertebra bulge left dura be oppressed?

    Answer: Hello, your symptoms are very serious. What kind of work do you usually sit and work? For your symptoms, it is recommended to go to the pain department of the local regular hospital for nerve root block treatment plus intraspinal fluid knife treatment.

    Answer: Hello, lumbar disc herniation is often damaged by external forces such as extrusion and torsion. In addition, the elasticity of the intervertebral disc becomes poor, and gradually degenerative changes occur. Narrow intervertebral space and loose surrounding ligaments are the internal causes of lumbar disc herniation. Acute or chronic injury, especially when the patient often bends over to extract heavy objects, increases the force at the back of the intervertebral disc, which is prone to rupture of the annulus fibrosus and lateral protrusion of the nucleus pulposus, which is the external cause of the disease; Some of the patients had no history of trauma and developed the disease after getting cold

    orthopaedics 2 answers

  • Q: Do you need surgery? Subarachnoid hemorrhage?

    Answer: Disease analysis: This kind of situation is mostly caused by birth injury, and generally does not leave sequelae Guidance: However, active treatment is needed to prevent brain edema and brain cell damage.

    Answer: The prognosis of a small amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage is better after treatment. Generally, there will be no sequelae, so don't worry about it In the future, the main thing is to prevent children from crying violently and make further checks to see if there are other diseases. Generally, it is not a problem

    Ophthalmology Department 2 answers

  • Q: What will it affect? Left frontotemporal parietal lobe subdural effusion?

    Answer: Most subdural effusion is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the subdural cavity caused by trauma, which can be divided into acute and chronic. Chronic effusion is more common. If there are no symptoms and the amount is relatively small, it can be treated conservatively, with nutrition nerve, cerebrovascular dilators and other treatments. If there are symptoms and the amount is relatively large, it needs surgery

    Medical health 2 answers

  • Q: Do you have any treatment?

    Answer: Hello, in this case, it is generally considered that we should avoid long-term work and do more neck activities. We can take drugs such as neck rehabilitation, traction and other treatments. If necessary, we should perform surgery. We suggest providing specific clinical symptoms for easy answers

    orthopaedics 1 answer

  • Q: What sequelae does the left frontal epidural hemorrhage have?

    Answer: Guidance: What you said should be treated in combination with clinical symptoms and bleeding volume

    gynaecology 1 answer

  • Q: Do you need surgery? Subarachnoid hemorrhage?

    Answer: Disease analysis: This kind of situation is mostly caused by birth injury, and generally does not leave sequelae Guidance: However, active treatment is needed to prevent brain edema and brain cell damage.

    Answer: The prognosis of a small amount of subarachnoid hemorrhage is better after treatment. Generally, there will be no sequelae, so don't worry about it In the future, the main thing is to prevent children from crying violently and make further checks to see if there are other diseases. Generally, it is not a problem

    Brain surgery 2 answers

  • Q: How to treat dural sac and left nerve compression?

    Answer: This is a simple case of lumbar disc herniation. You'd better choose a conservative treatment method for this case. You can first traction, massage, and then cooperate with drug treatment. It is suggested that if conservative treatment has no effect, surgery should be used. Minimally invasive or ordinary surgery can be selected.

    Psychology Department 1 answer

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