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Questions and answers about headache

  • Q: What happened recently?

    Answer: Cervical spondylosis is a symptom of cervical pain, which can also cause headache and pain in the head. Usually, pay attention to the lower cervical spine, use Miao Renfu externally for health preservation, and persist in massage for a few days

    Answer: Hello, according to your description, it may be cervical vertebra and its accessory structures. It is recommended to strengthen the rest and try the plaster. If it can not be relieved, it is recommended to take an X-ray of the cervical spine.

    orthopaedics 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Am I? Have you had a headache for a week?

    Answer: It may be caused by cervical vertebra It is recommended to go to the hospital for examination. Different degrees of cervical spondylosis can be treated differently. Generally, moderate traction is enough

    orthopaedics 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How does a 3-year-old baby look up and feel wobbly behind his neck?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, this kind of situation is usually caused by cervical spondylosis, arthritis or colds, rheumatism. Guidance: This kind of situation usually needs to be checked. The disease is diagnosed and treated. The general situation is often to do film examination and throat examination, blood routine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, c-reactive protein, anti-o and other examinations.

    Childcare 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How does the lower part of the Adam's apple ache when looking up?

    Answer: Everyone looks up and swallows pain, inertia.

    Answer: Considering your condition, intercostal neuralgia can be recovered by taking Fenbid, Indomethacin and Lijunsha orally. I wish you good health forever

    orthopaedics 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Is it cervical spondylosis? My IT work?

    Answer: Yes, this symptom is cervical spondylosis

    orthopaedics 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Could you tell me why the back of your head hurts when you look up?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, this may be a cold Guidance: If you have gastrointestinal symptoms, you can take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water or capsule orally. The effect is very good 2. If you use the computer for a long time, please pay attention to every hour and take a 10 minute rest, which can effectively relieve eye and neck fatigue 3. The effect will be better if you do gymnastics once in the afternoon

    Answer: There are many causes, such as migraine, angioneurotic headache, trigeminal neuralgia, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, drinking and smoking, and colds. Therefore, we should find the treatment under the guidance of the causes. Usually, we should pay attention to prevent mental tension, ensure the rest time and quality, quit smoking, and prevent colds and other incentives. This situation needs to see whether there is cervical spondylosis, cerebral blood supply insufficiency. Treat according to specific conditions.

    Brain surgery 2 answers recommend

  • Q: When looking up, how does the side of the cheek ache return a responsibility?

    Answer: Hello, according to the situation you described, consider that it is parotitis, and consider that it is caused by factors such as burning or eating spicy and irritating food. The current situation is that it is advisable to take cephalexin, dandelion antiphlogistic tablets and dandelion granules for conditioning treatment under the guidance of doctors. At the same time, it is better to drink more water, rest more and avoid eating spicy and stimulating food.

    Department of five sense organs 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What medicine should I take for two sore temples?

    Answer: Your problem is considered to be vasospasm headache, which is also the headache of Shaoyang Channel in TCM. I suggest you take decoction to treat it. You can add or subtract Peach Red Siwu Decoction and Xiaochaihu Decoction: reconcile Shaoyang, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. Bupleurum, Pinellia ternata, Ginseng, Glycyrrhiza, Scutellaria, Ginger, Peach Kernel, Safflower, Red Peony, Angelica, Chuanxiong. If you go to Chinese medicine, you can use these addition and subtraction treatments.

    internal medicine 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What's the matter, please?

    Answer: It may be caused by the compression of nerves by cervical spondylosis! It is recommended that you go to the orthopaedic surgery department of the local Grade III Grade A hospital to have a cervical magnetic resonance examination to confirm the disease!

    Surgery 2 answers

  • Q: Sometimes after a few days, my chest hurts for a year?

    Answer: Hello! First of all, I wish you an early recovery! Let me talk to you about "chest pain". Chest pain is a common symptom. There are many reasons for chest pain, mainly due to lesions in chest wall, pleura, lung, cardiovascular, mediastinum, esophagus and diaphragm. In addition, intercostal neuropathy often causes chest pain. Therefore, it is difficult to make a diagnosis. It is often necessary to distinguish and distinguish chest pain according to its nature, accompanying symptoms, location and time of occurrence. With

    Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 1 answer

  • Q: What should I do if my neck hurts?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, your condition is caused by muscle strain Guidance: If you are in such a situation, you can take acupuncture and physiotherapy. The effect of taking medicine is not good. Take more rest these days. Don't sit still for a long time, and then use hot compress. Get well soon

    the skin department 1 answer

  • Q: What should we do? Does your heart ache?

    Answer: Always lower your head and your neck! Stop showing! The body is important!

    Dental Department 1 answer

  • Q: Why does it often hurt?

    Answer: This is the manifestation of cervical spondylosis, which is generally caused by wind, cold and wet, or by long-term work with head bowed. You can take Jingfukang Granules, ibuprofen, indomethacin capsules orally, combined with acupuncture and massage, to avoid wind chill and avoid inducing factors.

    Answer: Disease analysis: Your situation is a cervical problem, which has a lot to do with your living habits and working habits. Guidance: You can take some vasodilators, such as dibazol, vasodilator, etc., combined with vitamin B and E, the control effect is very good. If you have time, you can also do more traction massage.

    Surgery 2 answers

  • Q: When you look up and swallow something, how does it hurt to feel something blocked there?

    Answer: Hello, this situation may be caused by pharyngitis. It is recommended to go to the ENT department of a regular hospital for examination and treatment. If it is inconvenient, you can take Pudilan anti-inflammatory tablet first, including taking Golden Throat Throat Treasure. Avoid smoking and drinking, spicy and stimulating food, cold and fire. Eat a light diet and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

    internal medicine 1 answer

  • Q: How to get up and look up and feel the pain in your chest?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, for your hip pain after sitting for a long time, it is considered to be ischial tuberositis. Guidance: It is because you have been sitting for a long time, which leads to chronic strain of hip soft tissue. It is recommended that you cushion your hip, locally massage and compress.

    orthopaedics 1 answer

  • Q: Shoulder does not hurt, how is this going on and how is it treated?

    Answer: Neck pain is usually caused by neck fatigue. For example, it is related to the long time of lowering the head or keeping the neck in a posture for too long. It is easy to cause cervical spondylosis in the long run. A few people have a history of trauma and can also have pain caused by cervical disc herniation (most of them have muscle atrophy or limited fine movement of the hand). Some people can also be caused by incorrect sleeping posture (the pillow is too high or too low, or the head part is incorrect, etc.) Pay attention to doing more neck exercises and other activities to avoid a long time

    Common sense of human body 1 answer

  • Q: What's the matter, doctor?

    Answer: It should be caused by fire. Usually, you can take some medicine to eliminate fire and inflammation, drink more water, and promote metabolism. Pay attention to rest at ordinary times, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and pay attention to the combination of work and rest.

    gynaecology 1 answer

  • Q: The neck hurts badly

    Answer: 1. Get cold and fall on the pillow 2. There is a problem with the cervical vertebra 3. There may be boils

    Answer: Your cervical spondylosis may be very serious. I suggest you take photos to check your cervical vertebra. The causes of neck pain are: ① improper head and neck posture during sleep; ② The pillow pad is too high, hard or soft or uneven; ③ Cervical trauma; ④ The neck gets cold due to wind; Suggestions: Family members can help the person who is falling on the pillow to massage and apply hot compress to relieve pain: (1) Massage: stand behind the person who is falling on the pillow, gently press the neck with one finger to find the most painful point, and then use one thumb to start from the top of the side of the neck to the shoulder

    Common sense of human body 2 answers

  • Q: What happened recently?

    Answer: Cervical spondylosis is a symptom of cervical pain, which can also cause headache and pain in the head. Usually, pay attention to the lower cervical spine, use Miao Renfu externally for health preservation, and persist in massage for a few days

    Answer: Hello, according to your description, it may be cervical vertebra and its accessory structures. It is recommended to strengthen the rest and try the plaster. If it can not be relieved, it is recommended to take an X-ray of the cervical spine.

    orthopaedics 2 answers

  • Q: How does the lower part of the Adam's apple ache when looking up?

    Answer: Everyone looks up and swallows pain, inertia.

    Answer: Considering your condition, intercostal neuralgia can be recovered by taking Fenbid, Indomethacin and Lijunsha orally. I wish you good health forever

    orthopaedics 2 answers

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