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Q&A on potassium permanganate for disinfection

  • Q: How can I use potassium permanganate for disinfection?

    Answer: Anti inflammation: potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, which can release new ecological oxygen when encountering organic substances, and has a bactericidal effect. Its bactericidal power is very strong. In clinical practice, a solution with a concentration of 1:2000-1:5000 (volume fraction) is commonly used to wash skin wounds, ulcers, thrush, abscesses, etc. The solution gargle is used to remove bad breath and sterilize the mouth. It should be noted that the concentration of the solution should be accurate, and excessive concentration will cause local corrosion. Time shall be considered when preparing solution, permanganate

    Chemistry 1 answer recommend

  • Q: potassium permanganate

    Answer: Note that the concentration should not exceed five thousandths. It can clean and sterilize fruits and vegetables (commonly known as disinfection, but essentially sterilization) The concentration should not be too high. It is highly oxidizing (it will cause damage to skin or mucous membrane)

    Common sense of life 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How to use potassium permanganate for disinfection?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate is dark purple, slender prismatic crystal with blue metallic luster; Dissolve in water. Potassium permanganate is a kind of strong oxidant, which can release new oxygen (non free oxygen) when encountering organic matter or heating, adding acid or alkali, so as to show sterilization, deodorization and oxidation. In the event of oxidation reaction, it will be reduced to brown manganese dioxide, which can be combined with protein to form protein salt complexes, so potassium permanganate has convergence effect on tissues at low concentrations; Potassium permanganate

    Chemistry 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What should we pay attention to when using potassium permanganate for disinfection?

    Answer: It is a commonly used drug for turtle body disinfection, and also a drug for turtle pond and aquaculture water disinfection. ① character. Purple slender crystal, opaque, with blue metallic luster, odorless, easily soluble in water. ② Mechanism of action. It can oxidize the active gene in the microorganism and play a bactericidal role. ③ Precautions for use. The minimum lethal concentration of potassium permanganate for soft shelled turtle is 4 to 8 parts per 100000, the safety concentration is 1.95 parts per 100000, and the common concentration is 1 to 100000 parts per medical bath

    biology 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How to disinfect with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: This product is a purple needle shaped crystalline strong oxidant, which can oxidize and denature the proteins of various pathogenic microorganisms and play a bactericidal role. o. O - 0.02% concentration of drinking water can prevent some intestinal infectious diseases; 0.1% solution can be used for disinfection of skin, mucosa, wound surface and drinking water; 0.2-0.5% can be used for seed egg immersion disinfection; 2-5% can be used for washing and disinfection of containers and feeding utensils. The oxidation property of this product can be used for fumigation and disinfection of formalin. Because this product is strong oxygen

    agricultural science 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What can be disinfected by potassium permanganate solution

    Answer: Yes, generally strong oxidizing solutions can be used for disinfection, but if it is food or something, it is not recommended, because potassium permanganate is corrosive to the skin, and the residue is still dangerous

    Answer: Potassium permanganate, commonly known as gray manganese oxide, is a purple black solid with crystal luster. Potassium permanganate is easily soluble in water, and the solution is bright purple red. Potassium permanganate aqueous solution can destroy bacterial and microbial tissues due to oxidation, so it has a bactericidal and disinfection effect. 0.1% potassium permanganate solution can be used to wash wounds; It can also be used to disinfect tableware, tea sets and fruits such as chopsticks and cups. When using potassium permanganate to disinfect fruits, tableware and other items, first put the items to be disinfected into permanganate

    Common sense of life 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Where is potassium permanganate mainly used for disinfection?

    Answer: Strong oxidant can effectively kill bacterial propagules, fungi, bacterial spores and some viruses. Mainly used for skin and mucous membrane disinfection, 100-200 mg/L; Disinfection of object surface, 1~2g/L; Disinfection of waiting drinking water, 50-100 mg/L; Disinfection of purulent cavity, reproductive tract and breast, 50mg/L; Soak the eggs and sterilize the environment, with a concentration of 5g/l.

    agricultural science 1 answer recommend

  • Q: How to disinfect pig farms with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate has bactericidal and detoxifying effects. It is used externally for washing and disinfection of skin wounds and cavities, and also for gastric lavage when taking organic poisons orally. Usage and dosage: lumen irrigation and gastric lavage 0.05% - 0 1% solution, wound washing 0.1% - 0.2% solution.

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: How to use potassium permanganate powder to eliminate balanitis?

    Answer: Case analysis: Dilute the liquid medicine for external washing, and apply the ointment directly. Suggestions: keep the glans clean and clean it with clean water.

    andrology 1 answer

  • Q: How to use formaldehyde and potassium permanganate for disinfection?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, which will oxidize when encountering organic substances, so it can not only disinfect, but also deodorize, and it can also converge at low concentrations. The goose is often mixed into 0.1% aqueous solution for gastric lavage and detoxification by oxidizing the poison. The high concentration solution is irritant and corrosive to the tissues, and 4% solution can disinfect tools such as the trough. It can be used to accelerate the evaporation of formalin and sterilize the air. Formaldehyde is a colorless gas, easily soluble in water, 36%

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: What is the disinfection method of potassium permanganate?

    Answer: Available in pharmacies, it is prepared into 0.01% solution (that is, 0.1 g potassium permanganate is added to 1 kg of water) for soaking or washing disinfection of floors, walls and utensils. If it is used as drinking water for disinfection, it needs to be prepared into a solution with a concentration of 0.02%~0.03% (that is, 0.2g or 0.3g potassium permanganate is added to 1kg of water).

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: How to disinfect fish ponds with potassium permanganate

    Answer: Fish ponds are usually disinfected with a small amount of lime water. It is rarely heard that potassium permanganate is used for disinfection.

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: Can potassium permanganate be used to disinfect faucets

    Answer: Generally speaking, new fish are sterilized with potassium permanganate when they enter the tank or fish tank, but the color and other things will be affected after using this. More fish are easy to burn. The approximate area is 2000 square meters. It's quite big. Chlorine dioxide is recommended. Be safer.

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: Can pregnant women use potassium permanganate to disinfect washing machines?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate can be disinfected. If there is vaginitis, it can also be cleaned with potassium permanganate.

    life 1 answer

  • Q: Hello, is potassium permanganate sterilized?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate can be disinfected. If there is vaginitis, it can also be cleaned with potassium permanganate.

    Medical health 1 answer

  • Q: What is the potassium permanganate disinfection method?

    Answer: Take 0.2%~0 Soak the eggs in 5% potassium permanganate solution for 1~3 minutes, and take them out to dry. This method is suitable for the heating water bag incubation method of the rural heated kang. Each batch of people incubates about 500 eggs. The seed eggs are immersed in potassium permanganate solution, and the effect is obvious. Although the eggshell turns brown, it has no adverse effect on the hatching effect.

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: What is the ratio of using potassium permanganate to disinfect snakes?

    Answer: 1 Take out the fish and soak the fish tank with 3% - 5% potassium permanganate. 2 Do not fish out, and sterilize with 0.5ppm (0.00005%) potassium permanganate. Disinfect or treat fish. 1. Use 1ppm - 2ppm (0.0001% - 0.0002%) potassium permanganate in fish tank, 2. Take out the fish and soak it. Use 0.5% for disinfection and 1% - 3% for mild diseases

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: What should we pay attention to after perineal wound is disinfected with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: Hello, perineum wound, if you use potassium permanganate solution to sterilize, try to eat more light food.

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: How to disinfect the basin of sitting bath?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Use 0.125% aqueous solution for vaginal flushing or hip bath with potassium permanganate. It can be used as an auxiliary treatment for vulvitis and trichomonal vaginitis. Guidance: For vulvitis and trichomonal vaginitis caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Proteus, potassium permanganate solution can be used as an auxiliary treatment.

    Obstetrics and Gynecology Department 1 answer

  • Q: Can I use potassium permanganate solution to wash the pubic part for disinfection?

    Answer: Usage and dosage: Use cold boiled water to prepare the water solution, and hot water will cause it to decompose and become invalid. The prepared aqueous solution can only be stored for about two hours. When the solution turns brown and purple, it will lose its disinfection effect. Therefore, it is better to use it as needed.

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: How to use potassium permanganate for disinfection in medical knowledge?

    Answer: Usually use 0.1% solution of this product to wash infected wounds, treat cystitis, and sterilize fruits, food and tableware; Use 0.01%~0.02% concentration for ophthalmology; Gastric lavage with 1: 1000~5000 solution; 0.02% concentration is used for gynecological sitz bath; The 1% high concentration solution is used to wash the wound bitten by poisonous snake. Due to its short function, it should be used temporarily when necessary, and should not be heated or placed for a long time. If heated, it can quickly become invalid.

    hospital 1 answer

  • Q: Can alcohol react with potassium permanganate to disinfect?

    Answer: No, potassium permanganate will burn

    Answer: No, because the oxide of potassium permanganate is very strong, it can directly oxidize ethanol to acetic acid, and acetic acid has no disinfection effect

    Chemistry 1 answer

  • Q: How long does potassium permanganate penis disinfection need to soak?

    Answer: Hello, potassium permanganate can be soaked and sterilized for half an hour. It can kill microorganisms, and it can be wiped inside and outside

    Medical health 1 answer

  • Q: Can fly maggots sterilized with potassium permanganate solution feed forest frogs?

    Answer: No,!

    Flowers, birds, fish and insects 1 answer

  • Q: How to disinfect pig farms with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate has bactericidal and detoxifying effects. It is used externally for washing and disinfection of skin wounds and cavities, and also for gastric lavage when taking organic poisons orally. Usage and dosage: lumen irrigation and gastric lavage 0.05% - 0 1% solution, wound washing 0.1% - 0.2% solution.

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: How to disinfect chicken farms with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: Potassium permanganate, also known as potassium permanganate and gray manganese oxide, is a black purple particle, soluble in water, with blue metallic luster. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant. When encountering organics, it emits new ecological oxygen and oxidizes organics. It itself is reduced to manganese dioxide, which can kill bacterial propagules, spores and viruses. The aqueous solution is used for disinfection of skin, mucous membrane and drinking water~ The solution is used to kill spores and soak the food buckets, drinking instruments or cleaning the food tanks used by sick chickens. In addition, often

    agricultural science 1 answer

  • Q: How to disinfect chicken farms with potassium permanganate?

    Answer: The solution is used for disinfection of drinking water; The water solution is used for soaking and washing the drinking water dispenser and feed bucket; Cooperating with formaldehyde, it is used for air fumigation and disinfection of chicken houses, incubators and egg breeding banks.

    agricultural science 1 answer

Potassium permanganate for disinfection Relevant experience

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