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Questions and answers about bruising often appear on the body

  • Q: Have bruises on the body and neck?

    Answer: [Diamond] Secrets for increasing sales volume @ Shuanghai Electric is amazing [whine] [hehe]

    Answer: Disease analysis: At present, we need to go to the hospital to check the blood routine to see if thrombocytopenia is excluded. Guidance: At ordinary times, pay attention to low salt, low-fat and high vitamin diet, quit smoking and drinking, avoid spicy food, and take more rest without fatigue.

    Common sense of human body 3 answers recommend

  • Q: What if I have bruises on my body?

    Answer: Do you need to massage more times with the drop medicine. Hehe`

    Answer: Find out the cause first. Some diseases can lead to this phenomenon, such as blood disease. It is caused by trauma and will heal automatically after a period of time.

    Common sense of human body 2 answers recommend

  • Q: How is it that people often get bruises for no reason?

    Answer: Disease analysis: In summer, it's easy to see the bruised parts because of less clothing. I don't know whether the bruised parts have the effect of external force, such as being touched or pinched Guidance: If you do not have the above symptoms, it is recommended that you go to the hospital to check your blood routine and measure your blood pressure to see if the platelets are abnormal; If there is no abnormal platelet, it may be the manifestation of skin crush syndrome

    the skin department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What if you always get bruises?

    Answer: 1. Non scientific practice: take fresh eggs and roll them back and forth on the bruised part for several times, then boil the eggs and eat them! 2. Bruising is caused by touching or bumping, so you need to use some medicinal wine to gently rub the wound!

    Answer: The content of white blood cells in the blood is lower than that of ordinary people. It is difficult for the body to eliminate the blood stasis quickly after bruising. It is recommended to go to the hospital to check the platelets. Diet Therapy for Thrombocytopenia Steamed fresh lotus root, mashed peanuts, combined with sesame and rock sugar, into the lotus root hole, steamed gently, and often eaten at will. Lotus root is cold and cold, which can stop bleeding; Peanuts and sesame nourish blood and accelerate platelet regeneration. Stir fried leeks with 80 grams of pig blood leeks (washed), 50 grams of pig blood, with Wuhuo

    Common sense of human body 3 answers recommend

  • Q: Is there bruise on the body?

    Answer: Disease analysis: The inexplicable bruising is related to the coagulation mechanism Guidance: You can go to the hospital to check the four coagulation items to see if there is a problem with the coagulation mechanism, and if it takes a long time to stop bleeding when there is a wound

    the skin department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: What's the matter with bruises?

    Answer: Disease analysis: You'd better go to the hospital for inspection Guidance: Be careful not to bump and observe at ordinary times. It is suggested to test whether the platelet is normal. If the problem is not considered normally, the capillary brittleness of children has a lot to do with it Life care: I suggest you go to the hospital to have a check. You can rest assured

    Common sense of human body 1 answer recommend

  • Q: You have bruises on your body, and you feel small bumps?

    Answer: Hello, this is usually caused by trauma. Have you suffered from trauma recently?

    the skin department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: I don't know what the hell is going on, but I have bruises?

    Answer: If there is no obvious reason for skin bruising, it should be considered that it is caused by subcutaneous capillary bleeding, which can be seen in vitamin C deficiency, thrombocytopenia, etc. In order to further clarify the diagnosis and differential diagnosis, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital for blood routine examination.

    the skin department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Is it a characteristic of cancer that the body is easily bruised

    Answer: The coagulation mechanism should be checked in the internal medicine department of the hospital. There are many causes of unexplained bleeding, including malignant diseases, such as leukemia and aplastic anemia.

    Answer: Hello, check the blood routine to find out what the disease is and then treat it systematically, so as not to delay the condition. It may be thrombocytopenic purpura and other blood diseases. If it is not serious, just eat some food that can replenish qi and blood. Eat more pig liver in jujube and longan porridge and black bone chicken soup.

    Oncology Department 4 answers

  • Q: Why do you have bruises?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, my friend. According to what you said, it may be caused by thrombocytopenia or vitamin C deficiency. Guidance: In this case, it is recommended to have a routine blood test. If the platelets are normal, you can take vitamin C preparation for conditioning for a period of time.

    Answer: Hello, there is an inexplicable bruise on your body. This is mainly due to the subcutaneous hemorrhage caused by thrombocytopenia or other coagulation dysfunction. It is recommended that you go to the hospital to check the blood routine in time. If there is thrombocytopenia, you need to further check the bone marrow picture to see the further reason. If you can't find the reason, you can take the blood tonic to raise the platelet first. It should be very good to recuperate through traditional Chinese medicine. Considering that you have a history of stomach disease, it may be that you can't absorb blood due to spleen deficiency. It can be very

    Common sense of human body 2 answers

  • Q: How to eliminate bruises?

    Answer: Hello. It is recommended to apply local cold compress within 24 hours. After 24 hours, use a towel for hot compress. You can also apply local hot compress with hot eggs for 15 minutes. 3-5 times a day. It is beneficial to absorption and dissipation of hematoma.

    Answer: Problem analysis: This situation like yours is probably caused by thrombocytopenia or abnormal coagulation function. Suggestions: If you have this symptom, it is a symptom of subcutaneous congestion. It is bleeding after trauma, which is a kind of ecchymosis. The main reason should be related to the abnormal coagulation function. You should go to the hospital to have a blood routine check to see if there is a decrease in platelets, and then check the coagulation function to see if there is

    the skin department 2 answers

  • Q: What's the matter with bruises?

    Answer: Hello, this is the cause of your subcutaneous bleeding. It is considered that the blood vessel wall is damaged, causing blood to seep out of the blood vessel, which is generally called purpura. The cause of purpura is usually allergy or mosquito bites. If it is serious, you should go to the dermatology department of the hospital for allergen inspection and timely desensitization treatment after diagnosis.

    the skin department 1 answer

  • Q: How can I get back if I have bruises?

    Answer: It may be caused by thrombocytopenia or epistaxis, so you can go to the specialist for examination. Blood routine examination can exclude the possibility of thrombocytopenia, and medication can be used according to the etiology.

    Answer: Hello, this is the cause of your subcutaneous bleeding. It is considered that the blood vessel wall is damaged, causing blood to seep out of the blood vessel, which is generally called purpura. The cause of purpura is usually allergy or mosquito bites. If it is serious, you should go to the dermatology department of the hospital for allergen inspection and timely desensitization treatment after diagnosis.

    Surgery 2 answers

  • Q: What is the sudden bruise on your body?

    Answer: The main consideration is the possibility of purpura. It is recommended to go to the hospital for blood test, pay attention to rest at ordinary times, and eat more nutritious food.

    Answer: This is purpura, which is subcutaneous ecchymosis or ecchymosis. There are usually two causes, one is the coagulation dysfunction caused by thrombocytopenia, and the other is the allergic reaction of skin vessels, which can lead to blood cell overflow due to the increased fragility of capillaries.

    the skin department 2 answers

  • Q: How is the bruise on the baby caused?

    Answer: Dear, this is a birthmark. Many babies will have it. My son also has a lot of it. Some babies will fade away when they are older, so don't worry about it. It's OK

    Answer: Dear, my baby also has it. This adult said it was kicked by a kid in the womb, but there is no scientific reason for this. When the baby is big, it will naturally disappear. Dear, bless the baby's health and happiness

    pediatrics 5 answers

  • Q: Why do you sometimes have bruises on your body?

    Answer: From the symptoms you described, I think two diseases should be considered: simple purpura and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The former is very common. Unidentified subcutaneous ecchymosis is more common in both lower limbs and buttocks. The course of the disease is longer, and it has recurrent attacks and subsides spontaneously, which is more common in women. Generally, they have no other bleeding tendency and are in good health. There is no need for special treatment for this condition, but drugs such as vitamin C and rutin can also be used to improve the permeability of the vascular wall. Repeated attacks

    Common sense of human body 1 answer

  • Q: Why are you bruised for no reason?

    Answer: Anemia is serious

    Answer: Hello, there are ecchymosis on the body. Generally, it is caused by bad blood. If it is not a large area of congestion, don't worry about it. For example, it is caused by the coagulation mechanism or thrombocytopenia. Most of them are large in area and widely distributed. You can go to the hospital to have a routine blood test and blood coagulation series to make sure. For the time being, Ejiao Buxue Oral Liquid and Zhixueling Capsule can be used for symptomatic treatment.

    Common sense of human body 2 answers

  • Q: What to do if the baby has bruises

    Answer: What's the bruise? Your expression is too simple. How can others answer? Is it a fall injury or a birthmark? If it is a birthmark, I have one piece on my fart,

    Name 1 answer

  • Q: How can I get rid of bruises?

    Answer: You can apply Chinese medicine externally, or use potato slices to put on the bruised parts

    the skin department 1 answer

  • Q: What if I have bruises on my body?

    Answer: Cupping and scraping [ok]

    Common sense of human body 1 answer

  • Q: How can I get back if I have bruises?

    Answer: Hello, if bruising on the body can eliminate the effect of external force, it is recommended to go to the hospital to check the blood routine first to see whether the platelets are normal. If there is thrombocytopenia, it is likely to be caused by thrombocytopenic purpura.

    Common sense of human body 1 answer

  • Q: What should I do if my child has bruises recently?

    Answer: Hello, bruising is caused by subcutaneous bleeding. The skin of human eyes is thin and loose, so it is easy for bleeding to gather, resulting in dark circles. The bruise looks blue or purple black at first, and then gradually fades to brown, green or yellow. The girls who are prone to bruises are usually those with white and thin skin. Some bruises will occur when touched lightly. It does not matter if it is clear where the bruises occur, it is caused by trauma. But unexplained siltation

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, there are several possible bruises on the skin: purpura or purpura is the manifestation of more subcutaneous bleeding. The color is red at first, and turns purple or yellow after a long time. Some people will have ecchymosis on their local skin when they touch it slightly. Some people will also have ecchymosis on their skin even if they do not collide. This phenomenon is common in clinic, especially in women. There are no other abnormalities found through various examinations. It is called "simple purpura". Sometimes it is the early manifestation of some hemorrhagic disease

    pediatrics 6 answers

  • Q: Why does the body appear bruised for no reason?

    Answer: From the symptoms you described, I think two diseases should be considered: simple purpura and idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The former is very common. Unidentified subcutaneous ecchymosis is more common in both lower limbs and buttocks. The course of the disease is longer, and it has recurrent attacks and subsides spontaneously, which is more common in women. Generally, they have no other bleeding tendency and are in good health. There is no need for special treatment for this condition, but drugs such as vitamin C and rutin can also be used to improve the permeability of the vascular wall. Repeated attacks

    Medical health 1 answer

  • Q: How does the baby have bruises?

    Answer: Did you hit somewhere? It's normal for the baby

    Answer: I mean the piece on the baby's fart! In fact, it is caused by fetal toxin! It doesn't matter! When the baby grows up, it will disappear naturally.

    pediatrics 3 answers

  • Q: What is the strange appearance of bruises on the body?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, my friend. According to what you said, it may be caused by thrombocytopenia or vitamin C deficiency. Guidance: In this case, it is recommended to have a routine blood test. If the platelets are normal, you can take vitamin C preparation for conditioning for a period of time.

    the skin department 1 answer

  • Q: In recent days, there is no reason to have bruises on the body, but the range of bruises is not as big as coins?

    Answer: Disease analysis: First of all, we should rule out the inevitability of disease, such as whether it is a blood disease, thrombocytopenia, etc; Secondly, it depends on whether it is accidental, for example, your sleeping posture, pressing your forearm, etc. Guidance: Suggestion: 1. Check the coagulation mechanism and blood routine 2. Don't sleep on your hands or arms. 3. Prevent trauma

    the skin department 1 answer

  • Q: I don't know why my body is bruised. I often have some bruises for no reason?

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, my friend. According to what you said, it may be caused by thrombocytopenia or vitamin C deficiency. Guidance: In this case, it is recommended to have a routine blood test. If the platelets are normal, you can take vitamin C preparation for conditioning for a period of time.

    Answer: Disease analysis: First of all, we should rule out the inevitability of disease, such as whether it is a blood disease, thrombocytopenia, etc; Secondly, it depends on whether it is accidental, for example, your sleeping posture, pressing your forearm, etc. Guidance: Suggestion: 1. Check the coagulation mechanism and blood routine 2. Don't sleep on your hands or arms. 3. Prevent trauma

    blood specialty 2 answers

  • Q: Is there bruise on your body due to external force?

    Answer: Hello, many diseases can cause the above conditions, blood diseases, vascular diseases, or some drugs.

    physics 1 answer

  • Q: Why do you often have bruises during lactation?

    Answer: It's normal to have bruises. This happens to mothers who hold their children. It's mainly because you don't know when the child will pinch or bump you. Don't worry

    Childcare 1 answer

  • Q: Why do you often have bruises?

    Answer: Subcutaneous bleeding is often found on the surface of the body in life. The main reason is that the blood vessel wall is damaged, which makes the blood leak from the inside to the outside of the blood vessel. The diameter of the bleeding point is 3-5 mm, which is called purpura. The diseases that cause purpura are allergic, and insect bites are also common. The elasticity of blood vessels in the elderly decreases, and the brittleness increases. A slight collision will lead to subcutaneous hemorrhage. All factors that cause the increase of vascular wall brittleness will cause subcutaneous hemorrhage, such as bacterial or viral infection, nutrition

    chinese medicine 1 answer

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