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Questions and answers about artificial bezoar and amoxicillin

  • Q: Can artificial bezoar and amoxicillin be eaten at the same time?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Dental Department 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Can artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules and amoxicillin be eaten at the same time?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Medical health 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets Amoxicillin Motiline Artificial Calculus Carbamate Capsules

    Answer: Yes, but the effects of these drugs are almost the same. Bezoar detoxification tablet Amoxicillin is anti-inflammatory Motiline is pain relieving artificial bezoar metronidazole capsule is also recommended to take any of them will also be effective, there is no need to try so many kinds

    chinese medicine 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Can you eat amoxicillin and artificial bezoar nail nitrate file after 19 weeks of pregnancy with toothache?

    Answer: During pregnancy, medication may have a certain impact on the child, which should be closely observed and regularly checked.

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Obstetrics Department 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Is it useful to eat amoxicillin and artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules for swollen gums?

    Answer: Disease analysis: According to your description, the above situation belongs to the problem of contacting drugs before blood donation. In fact, you have no problem with the above drug contact, which does not affect Guidance: At present, you can relax your attitude. If you just touch the above drugs, you can donate blood later. It doesn't affect you. You don't need to worry

    Answer: Disease analysis: According to your description, your condition is caused by inflammation and infection of the gums, which leads to ulceration. This situation needs to be treated with nutritional anti-inflammatory drugs. Guidance: This metronidazole is used to treat anaerobic bacteria. It has a good effect on gingival inflammation and infection. If it is added with artificial yellow, it can play an anti-inflammatory and analgesic role, which is better than the simple metronidazole. So you can take this artificial bovine yellow metronidazole, together with Ah

    Dental Department 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Can there be side effects when artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules are mixed with amoxicillin?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Medical health 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Can amoxicillin be taken with artificial bezoar granules

    Answer: Yibei Amoxicillin Granules ¥ 5.50 Adverse reactions of Amoxicillin Granules include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, pseudomembranous enteritis and other gastrointestinal reactions; Allergic reactions such as skin rash, drug fever and asthma. So,? Amoxicillin granules are suitable for the following infections caused by sensitive bacteria (strains that do not produce β lactamase), such as upper respiratory tract infections caused by hemolytic streptococcus, streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus or haemophilus influenzae, such as otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. Big

    Medical health 1 answer recommend

  • Q: Can Hypertension Patients Take Amoxicillin and Artificial Calculus Metronidazole Together?

    Answer: It is better to have an interval of 1 hour.

    Answer: Personally, I think it's better not to take this at the same time. Click on the favorable comments and wish you every success.

    Internal Medicine-Neurology 2 answers recommend

  • Q: Does the stomach ache faintly these days?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Medical health 1 answer

  • Q: Is it better for me to take amoxicillin or artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Answer: Disease analysis: According to your description, your condition is caused by inflammation and infection of the gums, which leads to ulceration. This situation needs to be treated with nutritional anti-inflammatory drugs. Guidance: This metronidazole is used to treat anaerobic bacteria. It has a good effect on gingival inflammation and infection. If it is added with artificial yellow, it can play an anti-inflammatory and analgesic role, which is better than the simple metronidazole. So you can take this artificial bovine yellow metronidazole, together with Ah

    Dental Department 2 answers

  • Q: Excuse me, artificial bezoar metronidazole?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Answer: Disease analysis: According to your description, the above situation belongs to the problem of contacting drugs before blood donation. In fact, you have no problem with the above drug contact, which does not affect Guidance: At present, you can relax your attitude. If you just touch the above drugs, you can donate blood later. It doesn't affect you. You don't need to worry

    Medical health 2 answers

  • Q: Is paracetamol tablets? I bought artificial bezoar and metronidazole capsules for toothache. Can I add amoxicillin?

    Answer: It can't cure all diseases. Some oral diseases can, but the symptoms can't cure the root cause

    Dental Department 1 answer

  • Q: Can amoxicillin be eaten together?

    Answer: It's OK to consider this situation. Hello, I suggest you take a break in time to continue to let nature take its course.

    Dental Department 1 answer

  • Q: Is artificial bezoar metronidazole capsule taken together?

    Answer: According to your description, the drugs you mentioned can be taken together. It is recommended that you eat less spicy food, take anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment, and drink more water

    Answer: Disease analysis: Hello, according to your description, your gums are swollen and painful due to burning. It's better to let the dentist diagnose it. Suggestions: You can take amoxicillin, ibuprofen, and artificial bezoar metronidazole together. It's recommended that you take them after meals.

    Dental Department 2 answers

  • Q: How is it that artificial bezoar metronidazole and bezoar detoxification tablets spit blood after a few hours?

    Answer: Niuhuang Jiedu Tablet is a kind of drug for clearing away heat and detoxifying. It is used for the internal heat, sore throat, swollen gums, sore mouth and tongue, red eyes, swollen and painful eyes. Comments and suggestions: Artificial bezoar metronidazole has broad-spectrum anti anaerobic effect, which is used for acute wisdom tooth pericoronitis, local alveolar abscess, pulpitis, periapical periodontitis, etc. These two drugs can be taken together. In this clinical observation, taking these two drugs at the same time is generally free of other discomfort. Pay attention to rest and drink more water during medication.

    Answer: Disease analysis: According to your description, your condition is caused by inflammation and infection of the gums, which leads to ulceration. This situation needs to be treated with nutritional anti-inflammatory drugs. Guidance: This metronidazole is used to treat anaerobic bacteria. It has a good effect on gingival inflammation and infection. If it is added with artificial yellow, it can play an anti-inflammatory and analgesic role, which is better than the simple metronidazole. So you can take this artificial bovine yellow metronidazole, together with Ah

    Medical health 2 answers

  • Q: Can artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules and amoxicillin be eaten at the same time?

    Answer: Guidance: Hello, what you said is OK. These two drugs are not contraindicated and can be used together

    Medical health 1 answer

  • Q: What side effects do amoxicillin and artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules have when eaten together?

    Answer: These two drugs are anti-inflammatory and can be taken at the same time without any side effects. Please accept.

    Answer: Both drugs belong to anti-inflammatory drugs, and both have gastrointestinal side effects. If used together, it is easy to cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and other symptoms. It is recommended not to use them on an empty stomach, and if necessary, add famotidine or omeprazole and other gastric mucosal protective agents.

    Medical health 2 answers

  • Q: What side effects do amoxicillin and artificial bezoar metronidazole capsules have when eaten together?

    Answer: These two drugs are anti-inflammatory and can be taken at the same time without any side effects. Please accept.

    Answer: Both drugs belong to anti-inflammatory drugs, and both have gastrointestinal side effects. If used together, it is easy to cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and other symptoms. It is recommended not to use them on an empty stomach, and if necessary, add famotidine or omeprazole and other gastric mucosal protective agents.

    Medical health 2 answers

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