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How does the FSH-SK10/SK20 series intelligent liquid injection system work?


All answers Of one Answers)

    2024-03-04 08:50:04
  •  Guangzhou Feisheng Xiaobian gives you an answer: ① The motor drives the ceramic plunger rod to rotate and reciprocate in the ceramic chamber. When the suction inlet is opened (that is, the suction inlet starts to face the plunger rod notch), the discharge outlet is closed and begins to inhale liquid; ② When the plunger rod continues to move to the rear limit position, both the discharge port and the suction port are closed, and discharge will begin; ③ As the plunger rod moves forward and rotates, the discharge port is opened (that is, the discharge port starts to face the plunger rod notch), and the suction port is closed to discharge liquid; ④ When the ceramic rod is in the front limit position, the discharge and suction ports are closed, and the next cycle will start after the discharge is completed.
    l*** | 2024-03-04 08:50:04 zero zero comment
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