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What are the unique effects of children's toothpaste?


All answers Of one Answers)

    2024-03-04 07:13:09
  •  Compared with adult toothpaste, children's toothpaste has the following unique effects: 1. Low fluoride formula: children's teeth need fluoride to help them develop, but excessive fluoride will affect children's health. Therefore, the fluoride content of children's toothpaste is low, which can meet the needs of children's tooth development without causing negative effects on the body. 2. Mild formula: The formula of children's toothpaste is mild, without irritating ingredients, and can protect children's teeth and oral health. 3. Flavor and color: Children's toothpaste usually adds some flavor and color to make children feel more happy when using it and increase their interest in oral hygiene.
    I*** | 2024-03-04 07:13:09 zero zero comment
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