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Do you need to change the brand and type of tooth protection toothpaste frequently?


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    2024-03-04 07:14:50
  •  Toothpaste is one of the indispensable oral care products in our daily life, but does it need to change the brand and type frequently? In fact, it depends on individual oral conditions and needs. If you have good oral health and no special oral problems, you can choose a tooth protection toothpaste suitable for your taste and breath, and stick to it. However, if you have oral problems such as bad breath, bleeding gums, and sensitive teeth, it is recommended to choose a tooth protection toothpaste suitable for you under the guidance of a dentist. In a word, only by choosing the tooth protection toothpaste that is suitable for you and using it consistently can you better protect your oral health.
    i*** | 2024-03-04 07:14:50 zero zero comment
  • Common sense of life

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