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How to apply modified epoxy anti-corrosion coating?


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    2024-03-04 08:52:04
  •  How to apply modified epoxy anticorrosive coating 1 The main paint and curing agent shall be packaged in barrels and proportioned as required during construction 2 The greasy dirt, moisture, dust and other dirt on the surface of the coated object shall be thoroughly cleaned  kept clean and dry 3 The temperature of the substrate must be 3 ℃ higher than the humidity. When the temperature of the substrate is lower than 5 ℃, the paint film will not solidify, so it is not suitable for construction 4 After thoroughly mixing component A, add component B according to the required ratio and fully mix it. After standing for 30 minutes, add appropriate diluent to adjust the construction viscosity
    One*** | 2024-03-04 08:52:04 zero zero comment
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