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 What is the standard size of badminton court for competition?

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    2017-03-15 10:12:22
  •  What is the standard size of badminton court for competition? Badminton court standards: The badminton court is a rectangular court, 13.40 meters long, 6.10 meters wide for doubles and 5.18 meters wide for singles. The width of each line on the court is 4 cm, and the measurement shall be calculated from the outer edge of the line. The boundaries of the course are drawn in white, yellow or other easily identifiable colors. According to international competition regulations, the space above the entire court is 9 meters. Within this height, there should be no beams or other obstacles, and no obstacles within 5 meters around the court. There should be a distance of 2 meters between any two parallel courses

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     What is the standard size of badminton court for competition? Badminton court standards: The badminton court is a rectangular court, 13.40 meters long, 6.10 meters wide for doubles and 5.18 meters wide for singles. The width of each line on the court is 4 cm, and the measurement shall be calculated from the outer edge of the line. The boundaries of the course are drawn in white, yellow or other easily identifiable colors. According to international competition regulations, the space above the entire court is 9 meters. Within this height, there should be no beams or other obstacles, and no obstacles within 5 meters around the court. There should be a distance of 2 meters between any two parallel courts. The walls around the stadium are dark and there is no wind. Tennis net standard: the badminton net is 6.10 meters long and 76 mm wide, made of high-quality dark natural or artificial fibers, with the mesh size between 15-20 mm. The upper edge of the net should be sewn with 75 wide double-layer white cloth (folded in half), and passed through the interlayer with thin steel wire rope or nylon rope, firmly hung between the two net posts. The standard net shall be yellow brown or grass green. The net posts are 1.55 meters high. Whether it is singles or doubles, the two net posts should stand at the midpoint of the sideline of the doubles court. During the official competition, the top edge of the middle part of the net must be 1.524 meters high from the ground, and the height of both ends of the net must be 1.55 meters. The two ends of the net must be fastened to the net posts, and there should be no gap between them.
    _*** | 2017-03-15 10:12:22 seventy-one twenty comment
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