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Qingming Festival Activity Plan of Kindergarten

Qingming Festival Activity Plan of Kindergarten

M*** 22-07-03 Practical writing

1、 Purpose

Take the opportunity of tomb sweeping on Tomb Sweeping Day to carry out revolutionary tradition training, inherit the martyrs' wills, cherish the good life, and strive to be civilized children. Through this activity, children's patriotic feelings and the spirit of hard study are cultivated, so that children are trained to love their hometown and motherland.

2、 Venue: Martyrs Cemetery

3、 Time: in the morning of April x, 20xx

4、 Participants

Target: large class

Outgoing personnel allocation:

1. Each class has 2 teachers, 1 nurse, 1 administrator and 1 intern

2. Accompanying the school doctor, take the medicine box

3. 2 security guards escorted children to Tinglin Park and returned to school

5、 Activity preparation

Microphone, wreath, recorder, a small white flower

6、 Activity program

1. All teachers and students walk to the martyr cemetery

2. Opening ceremony

Host Qingming Tomb Sweeping Speech

Little friends! Do you know where we stand now? (Martyrs Cemetery)

You see, this tall stone tablet reads "The revolutionary martyrs are immortal". The martyrs who rest behind this stone tablet (introduce the martyrs), although they have left us, their contributions will always be remembered by us, their spirit will always inspire us, and their souls will be immortal! In the future, the task of building and defending our motherland and hometown will fall to our little friends. When you grow up, can you build our country more prosperous, prosperous and strong! Every little friend is very ambitious. As long as we learn our skills hard from childhood, we will certainly become useful people when we grow up, won't we?

3. Children's representative presents a wreath

In order to show our respect and remembrance for the martyrs, every year during the Tomb Sweeping Day, we will visit the martyrs' cemetery. Today, teachers and friends from the large class group of our xx Kindergarten gathered here to remember the revolutionary martyrs. Now, please present a wreath of flowers.

4. Three minutes of silence

Let's pay a heartfelt tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and observe a three minute silence. The ceremony is over! Our little friends also made gifts for the martyrs themselves. Now let's invite teachers and little friends to offer flowers in turn.

5. Pay close attention to the monument, visit the Martyrs' Tower, and present small white flowers

6. The Tomb Sweeping Activity is over. Gather the team

7、 Precautions

① Clean dress and generous behavior.

② It is not allowed to play under the martyr monument.

③ We should participate in activities with reverence and learn about the deeds of the martyrs.

④ Pay attention to hygiene, and do not eat snacks or litter in the martyrs' cemetery.

⑤ Don't run about and damage the green grass.

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